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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @STYLEISKINGI haven't heard of this one yet, any links?
  2. Dropping this in here since it's in line with/relevant to the conversation in this thread.
  3. Also, not that it matters because my wife actually helps me post this stuff here and loves this thread, but most credit goes to her. Weird but we don't really think of each other as separate entities and looking back through this thread it looks like I'm taking all the credit when most of it should go to her. She's really opened me up to approaching food as an art, which it is, and a very important one to boot. Anyway, We've (by that I mean she's) been really into making sourdough. There's actually a cool underground network of people baking/selling it under the table. Queens is actually a hotbed for this type of community. We're supposed to pick a loaf up from someone this week where you make a pre-order, and go to their building on the designated day, hit them up and wait for them to come down from their apartment to sell it to you. I love underground tax free shit like this so I'm stoked. Everything operates on word of mouth, some bakers even recommend others which is how we're finding out about this stuff. Anyway got a loaf last week so good. This one came from Jackson Heights in Queens, sourdough baked with cranberries, holy shit it was amazing. Looks darker than what it is, I personally hate "whole wheat/wheat" bread. I know it's healthier supposedly but just not my thing. I grew up on cheap ass white bread and never got on board with the heavier stuff. My wife is the opposite, prefers whole wheat, and would puke probably if given a slice of wonderbread, lol. Anyway, this loaf pictured below from Jackson Heights was so dope it got a 10 from both of us, which up until then I thought would be impossible considering our opposing tastes. Def getting more soon. Any NY'ers that want in HMU, I got the fire SD connects lol. Only photo I took, morning ritual, go over to do list for the day and plan accordingly over small breakfast. Bread was insane, non-salted butter.
  4. Malfatti, Italian for irregularly/poorly shaped pasta. We mixed some spinach and ricotta into the home made pasta then boil and serve. Cooked Malfatti on the left. Nice enough to eat out in the sun, and cool enough for zero insects. Perfect time of year.
  5. This, and the fact that it's usually much better price/quality. Black markets are the only truly free markets.
  6. Outside of the gun rights argument this is am open invitation to SWAT your coworkers, employees, students, basically anyone you want to now. There's no requirement for the victim here to break the law, you basically can violate their rights via the state by feeling a certain way about them. This is terrifying for freedom, and you better believe ground lost on this front will be applied not only to guns. The fact there's no requirement for any evidence of a crime, and the fact that a search warrant is automatically being issued (again, nor requirement for anything other than an accusation) in this situation will be used strip every last right away eventually. Do or say something completely legal, and unpopular, and the gestapo will show up. It's that simple.
  7. BUDS training, about to practice not drowning tied up.
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