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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. If you're considering possibly using IG for professional reasons in the future deleting the account itself isn't a good look. As for deleting the app, there's no reason you couldn't install it on your old/backup iPhone just to make posts or check for PM's from time to time. Using just the web interface to access your account doesn't give you much functionality outside of scrolling your feed.
  2. Not really, I haven't been on there for that long. Probably got into it late 2016.
  3. Also, this account is central to the East coast sourdough "underground" scene. They're from the Asheville North Carolina area. Fascinating watching this resurgence of home made bread expanding, starting to thrive in Queens NY. We've even got some of her sourdough starter to use, but have too many live cultures going right now to try baking with it yet. Imagine explaining having this to a mouth breathing cop, "No officer it's just sourdough starter"
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz#United_States_v._Aaron_Swartz_case It's hard to deny the facts on this one.
  5. @+plus+IDK, I like the upvote system somewhat, but find it's a double edged sword. Sometimes I don't want just the popular millennial opinion. Often times the up/down vote system is used to brigade opposing forums, and silence unpopular opinions. Here you tend to have a voice on a forum like this no matter what you're saying, or how well known/popular you are. Combined with an active moderator team to remove span, this system is superior IMO. It's an even playing field where someone with zero upvote bot's, clout, or even thousands of followers on Social media can gain an audience. Their system encourages a "mainstream" perspective, where here, it encourages a more diverse conversation, less confirmation bias.
  6. That's a very deep story, and by deep, I mean blatant deep state psychological operation, and abuse of power, easily provable "conspiracy theory"
  7. We scored the Astoria homemade underground sourdough. Peep the IG: https://www.instagram.com/phoenixbakehouse/ Tastes better than it looks.
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