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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Oh shit, this is dope. I have to stop looking in here when I'm hungry.
  2. @Jokerthere seems to be a reoccurring theme with people that left art school in the 90's eventually becoming self taught later specifically with that first generation iMac. I went to an art school for a semester in 96 before deciding it wasn't for me. No classes on computers, photoshop, etc. when digital was rapidly becoming the industry standard. Learning to measure in picas, instead of pixels. I thought about the money I'd owe and it didn't add up so I bounced. I never had an iMac myself, and didn't get into design/programming until later on a macbook. Your story reminded me of a good friend I met at that school, who ended up in Denver when I was out there. He worked in unrelated fields up until he got that first iMac. Actually graduated but had to teach himself digital video editing 2002-3ish since our art school was behind the curve, only teaching reel to reel video editing. He eventually landed an internship gig while driving cabs on the weekends until landing his first full time editing gig. I remember I had a hand me down PC running Napster & Limewire non-stop back then, but wanted to buy a mac again after he got it that first iMac when it came out. I remember going back to check it out a while after he had it, and noticed he never bothered opening the keyboard up to clean it. Since it's case was clear you could see the inside and it got looked like a cross between the funk covering a theater's, and a barbers floor. That system's only noticeable flaw was that clear keyboard, I still have nightmares.
  3. Using my browser to sign in, and check an IG link, checked the feed and first 3 page loads had the same days old thirsty thot selfie as first post. I stopped clicking likes on thot photos, and haven't for years since I got called out for it. I think they look at what you stop scrolling and look at now to tell what to feed you. Smells of desperation, like a dumb bitch trying to tell me everything she thinks I want to hear. Also, I know quite a few people that have placed too much of their professional eggs in the IG basket. They're complaining, but still in a state of denial as if it's just a temporary dip. Metrics appear to be going up but the conversion rates are dropping off. The moment I hint towards IG becoming obsolete, the conversation reels back to, yea, but I mean everyone is on it so...
  4. As far as why it's not built in, most ISP's don't want to give up a profitable resource (your recorded internet activity) with it's infinite possible revenue streams. It wouldn't make sense for them to give that up this resource willingly, for a price that beats VPN services at least. Even offering such a feature would be a bad look for an ISP, guaranteed to draw ire from an otherwise oblivious, mouth breathing public, unaware their private thoughts, aka internet activity is being recorded and auctioned off to the highest bidders.
  5. Yes, there are times I notice a change of speed, depends on which node I'm using. I'd imagine if you're not on For a long time I set my phone to Japan to use Binance when they blocked US customers and was pissed some of my apps got slow, forgot all packets were bouncing all the way over to Seoul Korea 24/7, and back as far as my phone was concerned. Desktop I tend to connect to Iceland, and here are the comparisons on speed test with/without using an Icelandic IP address just now. With VPN on (Iceland) With VPN off. The noticeable improvement in upload speed with VPN on was most likely due to inconsistency on a local bottleneck. From past experience my upload is slow enough without VPN, to not be affected by turning on VPN since it's already pretty slow. The noticeable drop in download speed is more consistent with my past tests results. 165 for this time of day here is still very fast considering I'm on a nearly decade old mac mini, now doubt routing this high speed through Iceland would slow that down by about half.
  6. This was a good question and I left the conversation here, this is the best deal going right now, Nord VPN. Best route to achieving anonymous payments is through a throwaway, or single use email address and crypto. Purchasing crypto (anonymously) is fairly easy.
  7. Damn I missed this thread.
  8. That's crazy, his work is pretty really good. I could see it fetching prices I definitely can't afford one day, not sure if that's now yet or not.
  9. @SchnitzelI'd be down to link for that Chalfant exhibit, or anything else if you come through NYC. Also thanks for confirming, there was a little sign on that wall said Timothy Curtis if I remember, but it was on the other side of a bunch of photographs, so I'm assuming those photos were also his. Like I said, my photos of that work do it no justice, most inspiring artwork for me hands down, granted a lot of it was never seeing his work before, up until the moment I came across it in person. Just looked up/checked out his site, holy shit https://timothycurtis.com/ BTW, my wife already has plans to steal this framing/display technique. I think the drawing room is a Danish artist HuskMitNavn, he uses a pretty well established style so it's easy to mix some of his work up up with several artists, even some well known native NY artists. Don't get me wrong, that's not a dig against him, sometimes that's cool. My props are based on the bigger picture here, things like his exhibit 100% wins when it comes to who was able to inspire the next generation etc. even has a cool style kids can learn from, and imitate.
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