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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Alright, alright, lets all calm down, I think the main thing we can all agree on is that I was 100% right on this. The girls underpants came back from the crime lab, and get this, the results show there were more than just skidmarks left in them after her "police encounter". Now that comic book shop is selling t-shirts, and kids clothing to commemorate this 100% (not made up) factual matter:
  2. This is more of an endorsement of anti government make the rules for everything sentiment than anything else. I mean if we’re forced to listen to anyone on this issue should t we just consult our own doctors individually? Just because one of these politically appointed officials (who’s motives are only political in nature) have one opinion, why is that the be all end all? They get these appointments because elected officials return favors for political clout, not because there’s some sort of competence test they outscored all others on. Likewise their employees that advise them, are fucking losers who couldn’t make it in the private sector. They know which way they should lean on every issue, government decides everything. Those that can’t fall in line with the message, endorsing more power for the political class Won’t get that cushy promotion. That’s how it works. Meanwhile, a brainwashed and sheepish public is convinced anyone thinking for themselves is the problem. People like me out here working in public safety, actually saving lives through their work, who take every precaution possible to stop the spread are immediately labeled conspiracy theorist if we even dare to question the state. Stats that clearly prove our points are dismissed “we don’t know for sure yet” but the official narrative must never be questioned even though we “don’t know for sure yet”. It’s not just the Covid thing, this completely irrational devotion to main stream narrative is almost universal now. even slight variation from the official narrative will automatically have you labeled as a racist, sexist, conspiracy theorist, or just someone who is generally selfish and doesn’t care about other people. it’s ridiculous to anybody who’s ever read a history book, the main stream has never once in history had everything correct and if we look back the political views of just one generation ago look so obviously flawed, how can we assume the main stream narrative of today is any different then the rest of world history. I mean realistically what are the chances that in 2070 will be able to look back and say hey these people had everything right, I can’t believe people questioned the main stream narrative.
  3. I’m going to need a few full body shots of her to determine her level of heath expertise. *heavy breathing continues*
  4. This one is easy, other people violate my freedom (you're not allowed to work, etc.), so I want to violate theirs as revenge. That's what people who don't understand Trump's appeal can't seem to grasp, it's 100% reactionary and the reason why "But ________ did X" makes so much sense to the Trumpers even if it's obvious they're in the wrong. It's all about revenge, much of their anger is actually legitimate IMO. The expression of said dissatisfaction can be easily misguided (see Germany 1930's) some people just can't turn the other cheek and keep it moving so to speak, and neither side gives a single fuck this attitude is tearing our country apart. Not that I think you should be able to violate someone else's rules on their own property, quite frankly if the store's rules said buck naked from the waist down for entry, fuck it, go shop someplace else or perfect your meatspin walk and throw some spice in it. I'd kinda like to see some boomer order me to take my mask off, I might not respond the way they expect.
  5. Karen_upset_because_she_s_not_allowed_to_shop_without_a_mask_despite_other_valid_options-n25v5v60giz41.mp4 Snitching on people & businesses for violating unconstitutional orders isn't the only route to becoming a Corona Karen, there's also this bullshit. Respect private property rights, even if said property is open to the public that shit still doesn't belong to you. Gay bartended dude enjoying his side-hustle = hero. /prohomo
  6. I already own 3, one of them has the upgrade for a fleshlight insert. Nancy_and_her_dedicated_team_of_essential_doctors.-2717615395186370.mp4
  7. Nipsey_Hussle_did_a_better_job_at_explaining_Bitcoin_than_anyone_on_crypto_twitter._R.I.P_Nipsey_Hussle.-ki7w7a2vhcz41.mp4
  8. Not sure how you’re having trouble understanding this. You prefaced your comment with an acknowledgement that I was already debating someone else on the same topic @Fist 666 So I’m not sure how you thought you weren’t jumping in at this point. If you don’t have enough confidence in your writing/debate skills to do anything more than attack when I’m already in a debate then just stay in your lane. I’m going to call you out for it every time you do it. At first I had trouble understanding why this was so important to you, but I think I have it figured out. Even if “beating the shit out of” was a 100% concise term with no room for play, and I was 100% wrong in using it, it would be a major boost in your ego if you could for once prove me, or anyone else with a different philosophy wrong. The fact is that will never happen, even if you caught a typo, or minor technicality it will not make you any smart, or well read. This is the only reason I can imagine you’re going after this so hard like “I proved Mercer wrong” which I guess is somewhat of a compliment on my own debate, writing skills outside of the merit of either of our opposing philosophies. I’ll kindly ask again, if somebody else is already debating me on a subject, please exercise a little self control when you get all excited by it and enjoy the view from the stands. Separately, If you do find something I post like a meme, or statement (that is not a response to someone else else who’s already debating me) please feel free to air out your thoughts. It’s fairly obvious I’m not opposed to debating you, or anyone else, in fact that’s why I’m here.
  9. I’m not so sure you could. It’s like saying “at least I didn’t break the speed limit” when you’re just riding a lawnmower.
  10. Were you one of those kids that would only fight when your homies was in a fight and you jumped in? It's kind of weird how you never come at me until someone else is but OK. If that's your only move, I guess that's your move.
  11. @ndvI refuse to buy bottled water less than 1 gallon size. Convenient, but a huge waste of plastic and money. I just use a 32 oz hydroflask I paid $40 for years ago. I really do miss NYC tap water, but for now it's all Britta.
  12. Funny how nobody mentions his role in the PC revolution, bringing computing mainstream and changing the entire economy with things like excel spreadsheets etc. His work with Microsoft was clearly his greatest impact on the globe. It changed everything, and set the foundation for the internet to further improve living standards globally.
  13. https://www.lifesourcewater.com/water-filter-system.php Depends on the ground water quality. Here in Colorado, since the climate is somewhat dry, and obviously more mineral rich the ground water has high levels of minerals dissolved in them, which make the water "hard" and worse than that, some of the minerals present are known carcinogens. Denver's city water can't be used in culinary applications without at the very least a "water softener" filter which normally uses sodium, or potassium. The newer technology for these water softeners doesn't require any of that, or even require you replace the filter. They just remove the majority of mineral content and keep working. Expensive AF but well worth it. We put one in my moms house in Southern Nevada and it really does make a huge difference in the way you feel after taking a shower, mineral buildup in the plumbing/fixtures, and the way your food turns out especially baking. Not at all necessary, but worth it IMO.
  14. @KILZ FILLZbrave browser blocks all Javascript by default. You have to click the brave browser logo right next to the address bar to allow it. Most websites like that won't work in the fully safe/blocked javascript mode. I use brave on Coinbase all the time. It's that grayed out lion face after "what-... |" If the face is in color you're blocking scripts on the site, if it's gray, you're allowing them.
  15. We have a 12 year old one that is white, this is a very serious flex. We also have an staub. I see cookbooks in there too man come flex the food in here with us.
  16. @pissdrunkwhat?!dope, I'm not on IG so much these days but my wife mentioned a couple of times she really likes your IG feed. As someone who's been on a plant based diet that beef patty looking extra extra like...
  17. Health regulations, health inspectors, sanitation practices, mandated sick leave, voluntarily staying home when you are sick, subsidized health care, NIOSH standards, medical regulations, etc...
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