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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. It's funny how breaking a someone's nose who isn't resisting or breaking any laws isn't really "beating the shit out of" her considering how these pigs regularly beat innocent people to death. I guess you'd be OK with it if she was in your family. Either way, they don't deserve to be police IMO, and the Karen that called them deserves a broken nose as well.
  2. The_whitest_thing-bzo5c6i7qry41.mp4
  3. Cops had the wrong house, didn't announce themselves according to her, and neighbors and started battering the door. Her husband or boyfriend shot one of the pigs in the leg, so they lit them up. Judge looked at the evidence (or complete lack thereof) and released the boyfriend. To bad that the home invasion robber, I mean um cop survived.
  4. Not sure is anyone here has seen this video. This girl was hired by a comic book store to promote may the 4th by hanging out in the parking lot. Some asshole/bitch called the cops because she had the complete outfit with a fake laser blaster, so the cops show up and mace/beat the shit out of her for no good reason on video. Look at that disgusting cow complete with the Karen haircut, probably jotting down "I feared for my life"
  5. True, If I had a choice I’d save an 18 year old over an 81 year old. You would too. In the bigger picture though, that 81-year-old with multiple health conditions is going to die anyway. The lockdown will not stop COVID-19 and we all know this. Herd immunity is the cure. So this massive sacrifice really isn’t going to help. Why do we still drive automobiles if millions of people will be killed as a result? Props if you (or anyone else) can answer that while maintain the logical consistency behind the economic shutdown.
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