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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @misteravenI listened to the first half of this this morning on my way to work. I'll finish it up later. Super fitting what he said about the generations.
  2. We already have all these things for health care, sanitation, food, etc. Even with all these measures in place for automobiles there's still a good chance you could die.
  3. Actually it's not, it's a perfect comparison. We know people will die, but we're not going back to horses and carriages because it's worth it in the bigger picture to the majority of people (not all). If you focused soley on said number of deaths/injuries only, of course it makes sense to shut down driving in much the same way it makes sense to suspend all freedoms now. There's also a huge effort to stop the spread of germs, in fact I'd say more money is spent on cleaning, sanitation, sneeze guards for food, health inspections, hospitals, preventative care, etc. than on preventing traffic deaths. Your point here is so invalid it clearly supports the opposing view. I wouldn't mind as much if people were fined/jailed for things like going out when they're sick, much like a DUI. A ticket for no mask in a senior center, jail sentence for repeat offenders. Actually I would mind somewhat, but let's just say I'd prefer this as a sort of lesser of two evils over essentially placing everyone on house arrest until "we get this figured out". We have fairly strong evidence already COVID-19 deadly for less than 1% of the population. Even if you disagree because "unknown" there's no logical consistency to this statement. We don't know for sure how many people will die from inhaling fart vapors, yet baked beans are still a popular food item. Zero logical consistency. Why intentionally cause a massive amount of harm for something you are admitting is an unknown. Also, the deaths/injuries due to automobiles are not a known quantity, we can only look at past statistics to predict future deaths, injuries. We can already do that with COVID19 data. You mean like maybe after the famine kicks in fully, and the economic system can no longer support 8 billion people so starvation, death, and conflict reduce the population enough? Must be nice to live someplace that already places you in the top 10th percentile of access to resources like food, medical supplies etc. and pretend like there's not going to be massive consequences for others from shutting the economy down. It's almost as if you think the economy has zero significance, which is completely retarded until you realize it's of zero significance to you personally. It's already 100% valid. So then let's not overreact, there's enough of us careful people out here masking up, gloving up, reducing travel/contact etc. to have a massive impact from where we were in February.
  4. I’ve admitted semantically I’m wrong, I’m not sure why you can’t let it go but I’ll continue. She did not shit herself, and the cops could have done much worse to her. I’ve clearly overreacted, fuck that stupid storm trooper bitch blue lives matter.
  5. People are finally realizing their dream of the government controlling everyone and the end of freedom and they love it.
  6. How do you feel about people using automobiles? I mean somebody could get hurt, and die right? What’s the difference?
  7. Yep, I get it those cops were just doing their jobs protecting us and made a very small “mistake” and that filthy criminals underwear came back from the crime lab with zero evidence of feces. My apologies.
  8. Mercer


  9. Popcorn_queue-229v26rzzzy41.mp4
  10. It's not a "different buying philosophy" you're just trying to flex like you're a crypto whale which is laughable considering other economic theories you've presented in the past. For a relatively small buy of under 5 figures It makes no difference if you buy using a market, limit, or stop order if you're scared of losing 10% in a couple of hours. That's what crypto does, it goes up and down in value and it takes wisdom/logic/ and balls to hold onto it knowing the risks. On top of that, the fees associated with market buys (and stops) are much larger on exchanges by comparison to limit orders. So you will for sure lose money from the jump not using limit orders, because you'' be by paying much higher fees that are 100% unnecessary, and serve no real advantage for small buys. In crypto (as opposed to other types of commodity exchanges) the only significant advantage for a stop order is that your order is hidden on the exchange, and nobody else can see it/take advantage of it by adjusting their strategy. If you're ever lucky enough to join the big boys & girls club you'll understand why hiding that order is extremely advantageous, but only in the right situations and I don't even pretend to be on that level myself. Even though I hold quite a bit I never fuck with market buys, or stops. I have enough confidence to set my own price and stick to it. I'd never recommend someone who's in less than 5 figures to use a stop to buy, or even sell for that matter unless they're in on some inside trader knowledge. There's no point to it, guaranteed to lose money on fees, more of a risk, and a less than a 5% chance of getting lucky. FYI it's an even more dangerous, and a super common "noob" mistake to hold your crypto on an exchange with a stop order to sell if the price drops. Again, unless you're on some advanced, big money shit. I was there for the flash crash of June 2017 where all the people who thought they were geniuses by using stops to sell if the price goes down lost 99% of their money on Coinbase Pro (which used to be called GDAX back then). In a few seconds ETH went from $319 to 10 cents, so if you set a stop order to sell if the price dips below $250 or something to protect yourself, your ETH basically gets sold at market once that line is crossed, and market can, and does dip hard but because there are a lot of fools. Every fool on the exchange basically dumps all at once, and people lose just about everything they have. Back to the point, doing a stop order at the small buy level is retarded, and guaranteed to lose money because again, it's basically a market buy that gets triggered, so you have to pay much higher fee's associated with market buys from the jump so you're guaranteed to lose that fee money. Just set your own price, be patient, and profit and don't try to play like you're Warren Buffet. It's irresponsible to suggest using a stop to someone like NOES, who's actually being honest (unlike some people in here) about not knowing a whole bunch about crypto.
  11. "Beating the shit out of someone" isn't a precise term. I mean not that many people actually shit themselves so I don't know why you're going so hard on such a loose term.
  12. How would a limit buy get a "noob rekt" vs a market, or stop buy?
  13. Honestly, just a south facing slope in the mountains, and off grid. If it was 100% up to me I'd buy some off grid property, and install a support/utilities system on it for a 5th wheel RV I can park on it. Thinking some solar panels, backed up by batteries, backed up by propane or diesel generator in a shed along with a well/pump and water filtering system. Maybe just a secure/hidden shed to house the equipment, and a little storage and I'm good. I'd just work on building an A frame myself at that point, or scoop more property someplace else and install the same system. I'm married though, and honestly I've been getting (taking) everything I wanted my entire life. Somehow it just feels better providing that for her now, and I can't talk my wife into it. The moment I mention trailer she's not happy, and it just so happens my main requirement is she's happy with it. So with that said, I'm basically happy as long as she's happy. Kind of sucks because she has a refined (expensive) taste in just about everything. I'm just going to make sure I'm able to garden most of my own food and that's about it.
  14. I kind of prefer "Parma Jawn" over Parmesan
  15. Fuck man, super stoked for you. I'm about to grab some land myself (hopefully) my bank is still looking for an underwriter. I've been trying to scrape together every penny I can for downpayment and still add to the crypto vault.
  16. Nigga if I could read I wouldn't be on here. I need photos.
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