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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. If there are aliens I hope they're the hot as fuck and hungry for cock type. Death by snu snu.
  2. You never want to send direct from an exchange into anything other than a wallet you control. After then, you can do a shit ton of things to mask your identity. Normally, most of the burden of security goes to the person selling. If you're fucking with someone on the top of their game they'll be masking the transaction themselves. I've been hitting people off with a little crypto on Metamask, and their Jaxx wallets in our private group. I've been pointing people towards Metamask for their web browser, and Jaxx for the phone. The Jaxx wallet handles a bunch of different types of crypto, the Metamask is more useful IMO. If you're not in the Meeting at Jekyll Island private group on here request to join, we've got a bunch of tech support in there along with a tutorial on how to securely set up a new wallet.
  3. It's super easy, open a Coinbase.com account. If you use that referral link to open an account you'll get $10 on your account free. and so will I. They'll walk you through the steps of setting up your account with them, and linking your bank account to the coinbase account to send & withdraw funds. Seems like it would be tough but honestly, it's fairly easy to get going, waiting for their ID verification, and for your bank to send money should take 3 to 5 days.
  4. Some might say that's the way anyone who's expressing their own opinion sounds to others who do not share it. Especially when they illustrate why. No, I'm not. You've somehow done this yourself and you're projecting. To you the mainstream position on this, and "expert" position on this is one and the same. How these so called "experts" are chosen as experts is an invalid process and I've explained why. I'd say the scientific community, or someone other than a politician would be the only people qualified to choose who the "experts" are. How do you define "expert"? Is it someone who's been focused on researching other COVID viruses, or someone who has credentials that meet a certain criteria that's garnered political clout, or is entertaining to watch on the television? I have a problem with the word "expert" which is why I keep using quotes. What is a consistent way to define an expert applicable to people that ignores popularity or political clout and focuses on tangible qualifications? I mean this boils back down to how you view governance, and your position on the authoritarian VS libertarian What's the problem with Bias? You don't Bias? I've grown up in the bureaucracy of the United States and believe it or not, I know more about it here in the U.S. than you do for sure and I'd bet my last bitcoin on it. Both parents were U.S. Army, and my father retired after 22 years, then went on to have a distinguished 20 year career working for the D.O.D. as a civilian. He's the only civilian that ever made Sig 3 till this day, a position normally filled by officers. Plenty of exposure having lived on Army bases for 6 years in Germany as a kid, and 3 years before that stateside. As a teen, I've been in and out of the juvenile justice system, 6 different facilities not including the overnight stays. Now, as an adult, I've earned a certain type of hard to obtain NICET (Engineering) certification, along with proprietary certifications which makes me the most qualified technician at both of my employers over this last decade to program life safety systems on Federal property. Not saying I'm the best, or more efficient, just the most qualified on paper. I've sat in on a $600 million "no bid" contract meeting with NYC government, the largest contract my former employer has ever "earned" till this day. We've installed state of the art life safety systems in every jail in NYC. It put me in the 6 figure a year club back in 2012 due to prevailing wages laws my Union passed. I'd say 1/3 of my time at work has been on government jobs, even now in Denver, Yesterday I spent 3 hours being escorted by Federal Marshals in the Federal Courthouse here in Denver for a job that would have taken me 15 minutes if it wasn't for "the bureaucracy" you feel you have more expertise on. Our countries are very different, I think it's dirtier here than most 1st world countries and I've got stats on that too. I'm not bragging, or denying your own expertise here, I'm just trying to demonstrate I've had a constant exposure. Much like yourself I have a distinguished career profiting from the bureaucracy based on my ability to navigate it, but unlike yourself, I also have a great deal of expertise on working/navigating the private sector, which gives me a useful comparison to measure the work I do for government against. More credible than ignoring the data we do have. You don't see your place in this dichotomy, and in my opinion you're the one who's clearly biased. Trump could shit a gold brick that brought world peace and gave every socialist free shit, and you'd still find fault somehow and you know it. Not that I think he'll ever help a single person other than himself intentionally. Likewise, you'd straight up ignore the facts from multiple undisputed studies that consistently show less than 0.002 fatalities, but look at a cover from the NY times with 100,000 deaths out of a country of 330,822,304 people and base your own bias on that. We should focus all of our efforts on protecting people that actually need protection, not shoving 4500 patients into NY nursing homes to pump those numbers up and get more Federal funding. My point is, you should make an informed decision for yourself using whatever method you see fit, and so should I. When it's voters, and politicians (who are completely unqualified in the vast majority of cases) making all my decisions for me based on zero research on their part, well, lets just say I'd prefer to make my own decisions and not enforce them on anyone other than myself. The way I see this situation here, and life is that we are not all in an airplane with qualified central authority that isn't replaceable like a pilot. We're all born into a self navigating spaceship, there is no cockpit, and each one of us is responsible for navigating through this beautiful mess ourselves. Only a nincompoop would refuse to think for themselves. I'd hate to live in a world where every decision I'm able to make for myself is forbidden, and controlled by a single person who choses their own "expert council" based on what will keep them in that position of power.
  5. Mercer


    I watched Waco and my blood boiled the entire time.
  6. Mercer


    Word is the dude was innocent. They got a call about a counterfeit bill being passed nearby, and when they got there they see this guy sitting on his car. They approach him and he doesn't put up with their bullshit so he basically got murked for basically standing up for his rights. Not sure how much of that is true or not, time will tell.
  7. Mercer


    That's intentional homicide, and accessory to murder right there. Good luck in jail for both of them.
  8. @T4M*, I can't believe you're still mad about that. This is really going to be fun.
  9. I know, I was under the impression myself leaving NYC and moving to a lakeside community meant I would mean escaping shit human beings. I was wrong. The truth is human beings, much like life are/is a huge pile of shit (pun intended) and sometimes you just have to make the most of it and be glad and appreciate what you've got. Besides, I'm betting the odds of you outsmarting the dude are better than the odds a confrontation would pay off.
  10. Honestly, neighbor beef is the worst type of beef. I'd try to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. You could always set one of these up: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=outdoor+surveilance+camera&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 relatively cheap. Then try to distribute an edit of the guy doing this on some "hey, does anybody know who this is" type of fake shit via a neighborhood group on FB, or on here: https://nextdoor.com/ Honestly, my neighbors in Denver on this level of irresponsibility. I watch them walk their dogs off leash through other peoples yards and never clean up and it disgusts me. Thing is, as stated before even though these people are shit, I'd try to take the high road by exposing him to everyone in the neighborhood (does anyone know who this is? lol) before turning it into anything bigger than it has to be. Maybe you could find this dude on FB and make sure he see's the footage as the revenge bucket fills up.
  11. This looks really good, we've still got a loaf frozen but I could really go for the walnut right about now.
  12. Let me know which dishes and I've got you @mr.yuckI kind of agree with the sentiment that this thread lacks recipes. Flexing still comes first but plenty of room to share recipes. I can say this, during our plant based times we've been heavily influenced by this book: https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Clean-Play-Dirty-Founders-ebook/dp/B07N2NJ714/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sakara+book&qid=1590432700&sr=8-1 These two women run a food delivery service for rich people in NYC with extra premium salads that was fucking awesome. Costed about 100 a day, or broke down $30-$40 per meal but was well worth it due to the ingredients used, health benefits, and convenience when we both worked more than full time jobs. These meals only cost about $5 to $10 per person if you make them yourself. Many of our current salad/vegan recipes pictured here came from my wife reverse engineering the meals we were getting delivered (that weren't in the book) by looking at the ingredients and figuring it out. Any recipe you want to know about holler and I'll type it out and post it in here.
  13. Mercer

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    Damn bro, talk about feeding the entire fam, we're going to have to add avid outdoorsman to your list of accomplishments.
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