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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    He dropped the gun, and was on his knees, hands in the air by the time he was executed.^^^
  2. You_re_mowing_the_grass_and_she_runs_by_doing_this.._what_you_doing-FarawaySecretAmurratsnake.mp4
  3. Must be cold in there.^^^^ 1878 golden age of thicc
  4. Any explanation will result in a loss of 10 IQ points minimum for the person explaining, and up to 15 for the person reading the explanation. Not worth it.
  5. Honestly, I'm not mad. Shit's inevitable, plus I'm always secretly stoked when someone that deserves it banks of something like this like that Saber up there. I don't think anyone will bank off of this cheese dick "collectables" anyway.
  6. I just wanna know which one of you toys designed these fucking toys? Straight outta paper chase, I'd recognize those doo dads anywhere.
  7. @+plus+Yes, she sent me that way back in the day.
  8. Someone truly gives zero fucks about their BMW's rims.
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