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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'll take a well done tan with a medium rare cheeto.
  2. Mercer


    Dude clearly has unaddressed emotional problems, I get it, I was there myself and still get the urge to rant or "tell it like it is" sometimes. He might be 100% right there could have been some molester cop or some shit, and these pigs might have even followed them to harass them. Chances are there's at least some truth to this guy's claims and I'm not sure what "Fat Fingered My Dads License Plate" actually means. My take is if that's the case, why give those pigs the satisfaction of watching you emotionally break down and embarrass yourself like? Keep your mouth shut, film, do whatever evidence gathering you want to show you're being harassed but save it for court, or just get yourself a bulldozer, weld armor on it and go on a suicidal rampage. Bottom line is anything he tries to bring to light that the police have done wrong is going to be completely discredited by his own emotional instability, I distrust police but would never believe this guy's claims without proof after watching that. These cops probably stored away their bodycam footage of this stop for the day they need to discredit this guy, explain why they had to shoot him, and there's not a single jury out there that would side with him after watching that. Bottom line is he's not playing to win.
  3. Mercer


    No excuse to loose control of your emotions like that, especially in a tense situation. He was borderline tantrum throwing, in front of his dad too (lol) who was probably embarrassed AF at what he had raised. Probably pulled one of those cops aside and was like yo can you just arrest this son of a bitch so I can ride the fuck home in peace. Cop was like "fuck you pops, deal with it he's not going in my car".
  4. I had this baby Range Rover when I lived near Union Square, can confirm, it was nice. Never had any issues with it: RangeRover.mp4 OOntz Trivia: Croc Tears filmed this way back in 2015. We found a dirt road out behind Woodberry commons one day and took it off road. Found this big puddle, then went into this camp area and found a steep ass boat launch that kept going even steeper past where normal vehicles would pull out and gunned the Range up it. The property owners happened to be there at the top, oof, and asked what were were doing. No lie Croc Tears was like "no, what are you doing here" like he was going to jump out on them it was hilarious. I tried to deescalate, and dude said he just wanted to give us props for making it up that launch, he couldn't in his "off road" golf cart lol. Since we're going back to the way back machine here there's a somewhat famous bronco II in the background of this pick the crew always used the roll in. A good friends dad that copped a fresh bronco II for him, and it was the defacto skate whip for us for a good 2 years until I bought my own whip. Till this day still a fan of small compact SUV's myself. 1991ish:
  5. Oh how the turns have table'd Perfect illustration of what happens when you don't really stand for something. You'll fall for anything.
  6. @CLICKCLACKONERThat's what I did last whip, granted it's a pretty big expense but you can drive whatever car you want. I had a thing for Range Rovers my entire life, wouldn't want one more than 6 years old, or with over 75k though so doing a 3 year lease was the move. @KalashnikovThere are already a million giant SUV's out there already with luxury etc that aren't that good in more than a few inches of snow. There are very few short wheelbase, actually good off road type vehicles outside of Jeeps, or the luxury shit people with good sense never take off road. The reason I like it is the Bronco is there's a 2 door availiable, easy 3 point turns on the trail instead of backing out. Reminds me of the 84 Bronco II, or the original Bronco:
  7. For me it's believable, looks like classic "rules for thee not for me" logical inconsistency. He's probably got a bright future in politics with that type of thinking.
  8. Mercer


    I hate cops and all, but fuck that guy too.
  9. Mercer


    A good samaritan should knock on his snitch ass neighbors door. Pretty clear he was aa major part of this.
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