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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    No way @Dark_Knight. He's clearly someone focused on protecting his community, as opposed to kidnapping, and passionately destroying people's lives any chance, or legal excuse he gets to do so. You can look into his eyes during that video and tell he's no a psychopath piece of shit.
  2. I was hyped too, but that's all I see are 4 door versions and think the explorers look better. Can't get over how dope one of these lightnings would be. Tools locked in the giant fronk plugged in and charging. That wall charger that can power your entire house from the truck if the power goes out.
  3. Oh, gotcha. I do too sort of. Kind of miss being able to read books during the commute from when I rode trains, but I think I'd be a bit disappointed if there wasn't a choice and you had to use FSD everywhere.
  4. Tesla has a huge 1st mover advantage with the supercharging network for those long road trips. I don't think they share though out of low demand. I see these electric F150's as having a huge advantage, especially if there's a spike in fuel prices which tend to come along every 10-15 years. That's what I think also. Not as sharp a contrast, but the difference between EV's and ICE vehicles is unquestionably IMOHO advantaged towards EV's, especially in most of the heavily populated areas of the States, Asia, Europe etc. I don't see them as having that much advantage in climates that spend a lot of the time in subzero temps. Eventually a shift in public opinion will happen where driving an ICE vehicle for everyday use will look outdated, like the holdouts still using horses, mules, and donkeys were at first when automobiles came out. After that, ICE vehicles will become luxury items, much like owning horses are considered today. How so?
  5. Simp_Pilgrim_-_imagine_this_is_your_life-1401377200738275329.mp4
  6. Mercer


  7. Wait until them gas prices get that inevitable inflationary pump. EV's, sedans, and hatchback sales will shoot up to the moon.
  8. You are correct, occasionally they'll hack into a company's servers and release info, or just fuck them up temporarily but that's it. I thought it was interesting from the shifting public opinion perspective from favorable, to unfavorable centered around his crypto grift.
  9. Cybertruck will def be a complete flop now. Can't power your entire house from it, and those retarded hubcaps that make it impossible to drive through construction sites, or just run over curbs while parking.
  10. Brian_w_an_i_-_Omfg-1401200612642000896.mp4
  11. Electric_backpack_helicopter_drone_in_maiden_manned_flight-dr5om573bg371.mp4
  12. Yea, wish he'd have just given up after he got stuck, the suicide was a fail, especially for someone who's religion considers it a 1 way ticket to hell. Only reason I'm still a fan was the fact it was all property damage, and no murders. If he got a fair trial he might even be getting out soon. Assuming they'd go ridiculously hard with sentencing though, considering the difference between punching a citizen, and punching a cop is punishment wise.
  13. Mercer


    We should be encouraging private citizen training globally. CCP or State Agents, and foreign military not a good look, but private citizens should be able to pay for training here.
  14. This sort of saying I'm going you're going to make a statement challenging you, that I'd prefer nobody else counter challenge. Agreed, although it can be controversial, it's in interesting topic to explore. I disagree. It's more likely the dated format, lack of exposure/chances at becoming an "influencer". People used to the watered down format social media presents probably does feel a bit "turned away" by vibes of non-conformity this legacy graffiti website still has, but they're never coming back anyway. The people who have transformed into easily offended conformists, centrists, etc. now, they stopped contributing, and abandoned this site years ago when instagram, and other platforms took over and, made made the type censorship people find more palatable now the norm. There are so many platforms one can go to for non-triggering, conformist approved type content. This place is attractive for people not seeking that level of censorship. The mainstream consensus of what's "unacceptable subject matter" has never once been correct, at any time in history. People will look back at our time and feel the same way we feel now, when we look back at the mainstreams resistance to individuals expressing their sexuality, challenging systemic inequalities, colonialism, etc. going all the way beck to the begnning of the enlightenment that accelerated this entire process of philosophical, and political evolution. Just like the people of the past, that rejected the societal norms back then, some people are put off by this new strict atmosphere of absolute conformity now. These are the main individuals contributing to off topic discussion on 12oz now. Most everyone contributing is either not a part of a strict mainstream consensus, or not offended by other people who aren't, and don't give a fuck. Not saying we're visionaries here, far from it. Half of us, including myself are just as bewildered by the complexity of the planet as everyone else, and just figuring it out as we go (with open minds). We're evolving because of that, rather than accepting what we're told as a sort of unchallengeable religious doctrine. That said, 12oz isn't going to improve much adopting the same government approved only vibes you're advocating for. I do acknowledge it can be offensive, even to most people to explore these kind of topics. They give off a vibe that is mostly repulsive, an acquired taste so to speak. The repulsiveness in unintentional, and really only repulsive to conformists (which 12oz has never catered too anyway if you give it some thought).
  15. Marvin Heemayer was a welder, who eventually started hi own muffler repair business in Granby Colorado. He bought 2 acres of land from the Federal Government adjacent to his shop, to build a larger shop to accommodate the volume of his growing business on for $42,000,. A Concrete company out of the blue offered him well over 5x what he paid for those 2 acres. Hidden from him at the time, the local government was in the process of rezoning this lands approved use to allow for this concrete manufacturing business, which meant instead of the $250K he was offered for it, the land was really worth closer to $500K. Once the rezoning was made public, Marvin tried to renegotiate the terms of sale, and went as far as going to court over it making a powerful enemy of the Concrete Company. Unfortunately he was forced to sell at the undervalued price by the local authorities, as he was already contractually obligated to do so. No big deal, The government and Concrete company conspired against him, but his current shop which was adjacent to the disputed property was still up and running, and because of his good reputation and work ethic, business was a booming. Not for long though. The concrete company intentionally disconnected his sewage which ran through what was now their property, and informed the local government (which already sided with them on the rezoning, and the contractual dispute) that Marvin was not in compliance with the local law on being connected with city sewage. This set in place a series of fines that would eventually have lead to his bankruptcy, as the property couldn't be sold with this know issue hanging over the heads of any new owner. They also tried to make it near impossible to access his property for the time being, so Marvin, unaware he was already fucked, tried to build a new access road. For this road project he bought a used Komatsu D355A bulldozer. After intentionally being denied the permit to build a new access road for no good reason, and forced to either close down, or pay $80K to connect the sewer, Marvin realized what was going, and decided to change tactics. He knew this was an unwinnable fight, and the power of the Sate was intentionally being used against him for revenge. So he spent the following 18 months armoring his Komatsu D355A bulldozer with plate steel and concrete, fan air filtering system, an air conditioner, and an innovative camera system that eliminated the need for any windows for visibility. It took him over a year and a half to complete, and nobody who visited his shop noticed this part time project of his was sitting out, in plain sight that entire time. On June 4th, 2004, he lowered the armor onto this legendary machine, knowingly sealing himself into this contraption for good. He then set out on a rampage that destroyed 13 building's, most of them belonging to the people who conspired against him including the town hall, and former Mayor's office. Many people faced with similar situations of abuse by their governments dream of getting revenge, but this guy actually did it, making him a hero of sorts to many Americans that have been wronged by the very people put in place to make sure they're treated fairly. Authorities tried their hardest to cover up the exploits of the "Killdozer" as his armored Komatsu was dubbed, to prevent copycats. Unfortunately word got out, and history was made. The name "Killdozer" is inaccurate, because even though it was fitted with a .50 cal, .308, and .22LR he never killed anyone with it. Even though the opportunity presented itself several times, he basically just destroyed property with it and ended up taking his own life in the end. Authorities, including a S.W.A.T. team tried everything to stop him including 200 rounds of useless small arms fire, and 3 explosions which proved ineffective, until eventually, his engine started leaking leaking coolant, and he drove the Killdozer through a house that unbeknownst to him had a basement, which got the Killdozer stuck. Once faced with this dillema, he took his own life. R.I.P. Marvin Heemayer
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