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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Taliban navy flexing it's new anti-aircraft ships, patrolling near the cliffs overlooking toilet water bay in Afghanistan. Apparently the greedy ass U.S. Navy made arrangements to remove it's own equipment when it withdrew, unlike the more generous, and well organized branches. (+1 for U.S. Navy)
  2. That’s why you keep good berserkers in the squad. Sometimes annoying as fuck, until you need them.
  3. I've probably wasted a few hours on this channel already.
  4. Got these for 4 wheeling in to keep the balls dry. They're so nice I'll probably use these for powder days this winter snowboarding.
  5. Same, bought some black Carhartt overalls, had to return/exchange a size large, for a medium. Ended up making a meme for it.
  6. If you turn off all the lights and chant "Carl Marx" 5 times in a row on a full moon this thing appears.
  7. Personally think this makes no difference to anyone who uses facebook and IG regularly. They'll put up with Zuckerpimp bitch slapping the shit out of them, in the face, with freckled his cock, disrespectfully in public. Why? Because he's providing them with a way to earn those sweet, sweet social media likes. An entire nation, or rather an entire planet of useless fucking addicts. Calling for the government to intervene, help them, but no too much though. Meanwhile they're passing on accomplishing great things IRL, because it's much easier to get the same amount of dopamine for posting something amazing online. Same people bitch are bitching about they just can't get ahead in life. The very definition of fake, fugazi, and totally fucking pathetic. Get some help.
  8. Nikki's Trinidad cousin: Yea I got the balls to get vaxxed, they're huge Nikki, misunderstands cousin....
  9. Here's a good example of a piece of shit (government) using customer loyalty data to target people for something even I'd overlook. Basically, they bought customer loyalty data from a grocery store. Took the data on who bought pet food, and cross referenced it with who owned a dog license, so they could in turn target pet owners that didn't pay the government for a pet license license. https://komonews.com/news/local/king-county-using-grocery-store-data-to-target-pet-owners
  10. Mercer


    Damn, Police cunt(s) did some terrible shit for social media likes.
  11. So apparently, AOC, or rather the "designer" to her right, stole the artwork/concept for this handmade "Tax the Rich" design without crediting the original artist. A single mom, and lunch lady who could probably use the exposure. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT2G8UtlIev
  12. That's good to know. I assumed everyone in South Australia had to download that app. and that almost all international travel was restricted. I think the police randomly searching through your phone, and copying/deleting whatever they feel like is totally allowed though. That's bewildering to me, as an American. Probably the only circumstance I'd ever take dick pics.
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