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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. How do you know how it was confiscated? Could have been some homeless person they were harassing. Even if they did leave this knife in their carry on, why would that not worth being defended? I mean, I can see value in following rules, don't get me wrong. I just can't see how someone catching charges, and losing that knife actually benefits anyone, even people like yourself that value enforcing these rules at all costs.
  2. @misteravenas for Labor. Supply: The retirement rate has increased drastically. Cashing out your 401k now is hitting all time highs with unnaturally bloated investment values. The people with the most work experience, are looking at at their retirement accounts, learning they can retire early. Even the people who can't really afford to retire comfortably, are retiring now. Boomers watch MSM news 24/7, are literally terrified. Retiring now is valued higher because it means less rona risk. The better compensated positions, formerly held by the most experienced individuals now are opening up. The next most competent, productive people are securing these positions pushing demand downstream, to the point of where the most competent unskilled people are getting paid well, with low expectations out of necessity. There are also people missing from the workforce do to the non-psychological, unintentional political consequences of the rona. Some have died, either directly, or indirectly due to lack of care. Others have been temporarily, and permanently disabled from the rona. Some stay home to care for sick relatives 24/7 to mot risk them catching the rona in a care facility etc. These numbers add to supply shortage. During the initial lockdowns, when unemployment + pandemic checks were gushing out, many people came to the realization they could make arrangements during that time, to remain self sufficient enough to live without a shitty job they hate. Many people moved back in with their parents, and saved all their pandemic checks. Many people perfected their own side hustles during the pandemic when they were paid not to work, and wont be returning to the workforce. Many people fund paying for childcare outweighed one of the parents staying home, plus getting that extended pandemic money just for families with children. Demand: The demand is much simpler understand because it's macroeconomic. There's simply too much of this freshly counterfeited money being pumped into the economy right now. This is how socialism for the rich works. The Fed knows printing almost more than a third of the money in circulation wasn't here before the start of rona reactions, can be masked by record high S&P 500, and Bond Prices they look good, get to keep control of the Fed. The consequences always take longer to catch up. Meanwhile, a many, many steps downstream from the turbocharged printer, shit tons of cheap money is being flooded into the economy, the surplus is being mistakenly invested into poor existing, and new investments (along with some good ones). The (short term) investors are like grasshoppers, ignoring the fact they probably won't get a favorable return on investment to make it through the winter. Meanwhile, the ants (long term investors) know these record numbers are fake, and the harsh realities of real economics always catch up. Just like maxxing out credit cards, inflating the money supply isn't a real solution long term. Sure, it could be used I guess to get us through a rough spot, but it does not improve our economic outlook big picture. Sounds grim for our future, but cognitive emotions like "grim" are meaningless in real world economics, only math is relevant. That same math that tells us inflation is tied directly to money supply will always prevail, is also telling us (if we listen) there's just too much money chasing labor. Things are changing more rapidly than normal. We can't use any data from the past, even what wages were a few days ago, to determine with accuracy how to set wages going forward, other than the fact you know the price will eventually increase because with increased funds for employing people, there will be increased demand for employees. The Economic Effects: Finding a solution is much simpler than it sounds. Right now, most of the inflation resides in investments, some things like houses, etc. that aside from their value as consumer goods, can also be valued as investments and reflect that in the price increases, but all the way downstream from the top, unskilled labor is just starting to see the first ripple effects, it's only going to get worse. Entrepreneurs will continue to increasingly suffer from labor shortage related potential losses. The important thing to keep in mind is everyone else (including their competitors) will also suffer from these labor related potential losses in revenue. In other words, it is of increased consequence businesses retain a loyal base of employees. This is increasingly the key to prosperity With that said, increasing compensation ahead of the inflation ripples into the labor market is what successful entrepreneurs in your position should be doing. Fact is, people like me would never value a free lunch, and free drinks, even an assistant to roll me joints all day as much as the number on the paycheck. You could literally turn an angry socialist McBurgerFlipper, into a long term loyal employee by giving them above current market compensation now. The entrepreneur that increase compensation earlier on, and stays ahead during times of rapid inflation will have a huge productivity advantage over their competitors, that will try to wait until it's probably too late. Their best talent will be poached already, and they most likely will have trouble retaining their worst if they continue to try to surf waves that have long since already passed. If a $15 an hour was good enough for McDonalds to hire/retain relatively unskilled labor before 2020, and McDonald's is at $16 now, I'd go $20 minimum now, and pick and choose between who comes over. A year or two from now McDonald's (if it's still able to be in business) will most likely be at $22 anyway, but their employee's won't be as loyal, or as good as yours. TLDR, the people dumping money into the economy look like heroes now. At least to the people funding their political campaigns, they're getting a record ROI on their investments. Inflation (at least to Agorists like myself) is recognized for what it is, a crooked wealth redistribution program, AKA a socialism for the "connected to the banking industry" class. Western business models moving forward will need to be to adapt, or fail. It should also be noted, successful business models under these same conditions can be found, and modeled in other high inflation economies. Inflation awareness, AKA not waiting too long to raise your own prices, and wages must be added to economic calculations. There's really nothing within any of us can do to increase the supply of labor, the only thing an entrepreneur has any slight control over is their prices, and their wages. Thus other people's willingness, or unwillingness to exchange their labor with them.
  3. They probably gave some blue collar dude they didn't like a ridiculous charge for having this "dangerous weapon", right after they stole it from them to sell it to you.
  4. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    I know my ideology isn't something you understand, but let's be honest. If you really thought I was "intellectually limited", what would that say about you, and the fact you're in here trying to debate me? You've asserted I'm for a boogaloo, but I've openly been committed to Agorism for years. Just so you know, the Agorist position is that violent revolutions always lead to violent regimes. Where we probably disagree more is I would like to see the country fragment, something I can guess you think sounds insane, especially because it makes your position strategically less desirable. I just like the boogaloo meme, kind of like hoe I like this Fuck Joe Biden meme. If you'd loosen up a little you could enjoy the humor of this yourself. None of these political actors are sacred, or are in my opinion above being roasted like the pigs they are.
  5. I'm selling these on ebay right now.
  6. Every time I blackout, I just wake up to another court case, and a bad case of shart shorts.
  7. It's when you started fucking, and the next thing you know you wake up disoriented, and don't remember that you nutted in 5 seconds and fell asleep.
  8. I like the addiction parallels being drawn in here. Imagine if everyone that swears facebook, and their apps are harmful just stopped using it. Instead, seems like the people complaining about FB uses it the most, unaware of self control. "No, it can't possibly be a result of these profit driven companies serving up what we respond to the best." "My own personal freedom to brows whatever I like makes me feel too uncomfortable." "We need the government to step in and regulate the internet in detail." These are nanny state thought patterns, several rungs below beta vibes.
  9. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    In my opinion it's conformists like you that enjoy surfing just the shallow surface of this issue, thinking mass murder somehow serves your best interest.
  10. Elastic cuff drip left them hoes literally dripping.
  11. No matter what feel bad for the dude, no doubt he'll be an ever weirder person now.. Knowing how anti gun he was, it's disturbing to me I still find it hilarious on some level because he has a body count on U.S. soil now, something almost every legal gun owner doesn't have. It's like he can't even win.
  12. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Just so we're clear, I'm using it as a meme, and as an Agorist don't believe in taking part any form of political violence is a solution. Decentralization would be a good thing, a more fragmented, less threatening version U.S. isn't such a bad look for somebody like me that votes with their feet. You're giving our enemies too much credit, and us too. We're just as retarded here with, or without the influence of our enemies, and always have been. I'd say our net good overall influence has come from the cultural advances made by free people here, not from our military/political influences. If you've kept up with the body count we rack up daily, we're not doing good there. IMO we need less of that.
  13. Half the reason I smoke so much weed is I'm still sort of addicted to the habit of inhaling poison regularly.
  14. I quit smoking too, and sometimes I still just lite one up indoors that I don't hit myself. I just let it burn all the way in an ashtray for my family and I to breath because I like the edgy feeling it gives me when I'm tempting death to come take me in a slow, painful manner.
  15. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Being an American conformist (Dem or Rep) these days means believing your political opponents (who also happen to be Americans) are your greatest enemies, so you pray they're politically neutralized, or harmed, then buy into a conspiracy it's only because they're trying to neutralize, and harm you. People vote passionately about the most meaningless shit so long as it's clear who's team it represents.
  16. Agreeing that something is harmful, while regularly engaging with it is doing it wrong. Doing it right is if you're going to live with a harmful addiction, at least embrace it.
  17. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Advanced physics lesson 101: Time allows change, and some change we can control, as a consequence of every humans free will. So with time, any human can intentionally change their environment, and thus slightly alter the reality of all other humans, and the reality of this simulation we all float through time together in. The future is only destined to (eventually) get better, just look at history. You haven't truly resigned yourself to total insignificance. There's always at least some responsibility to actually actually care, because it does matter. I mean you can play the goofy nihilist, or a centrist "get a load of this guy for thinking different" clown, all day. If that's your thing so be it, but on some level you have to acknowledge the responsibility to yourself while you're still here, to intentionally try to make the future better in the present. Not as edgy cool, but kind of the entire point, don't miss out.
  18. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    So why are you reading through the political opinions section then, then commenting when someone posts an opinion you don't like. This is like when the dumb kid asks the teacher if this math lesson will be useful IRL. Probably not going to help the dumb kid, but for the smarter kids that are paying attention, it will matter. You might be fooled into believing you're inconsequential, and if that's the case, you are, but there are others out here that can, and will intentionally shape society. Stop pretending you don't have opinions, and you're just "having fun because I'm bored lol" you're clearly a centrist. You just don't have the attention span, or intelligence to articulate an actual argument, or opinion.
  19. Mercer

    Let's Go Brandon!

    Everybody watch out@Dark_Knightnot smart enough to formulate, or defend his own political opinion, but murders your opinion with boomer grade cartoon memes his grandma sends him on facebook.
  20. Pretty cheap, and easy to put together but it looks "high end". Aroung $200 in materiel since I used ground contact rated pressure treated from Lowes. GCR pressure treated from Home Depot is red, and would look like shit since all my other outdoor structures like decks, fire wood rack, and planters are this greenish tint from Lowes. Frame: Plant two 4x4 posts less than 6' apart (no back for mine or I'd plant 4). Front girder 2"x6"x8' (if using a back posts girders both should be half of a 2"x6"x12') Back girder on mine is just a 2"x4"x8' anchored to the concrete retaining wall floor joists are 2"x4"x8' cut in half for economic reasons (less wasted wood) Decking: Outer walls/gate are "5/4ths x 6'" (1" thick x 5.5" wide) boards Don't go much higher than the bins so you can just reach over to open Side wall less than 4 feet in length (so you can get two pieces hight out of an 8' board) Gate < 6' wide (2 boards height from one 12' board (width should depend on bin size) Mine is wider (easier to get bins in/out) used one 8 footer for each board for in height Build: Build deck first (space boards apart using decking screws) Build the side wall up second (also using screws leave small gaps between boards) Build up front walls using small spacer boards (just enough to cover front of posts) Also skip every other spacer between the missing top & bottom on the latch side Attach uncut top & bottom face/gate boards directly to the posts to hold place Build gate's N frame (pictured above) attaching N to those 2 top & bottom placeholders Attach cut face boards to N, (cut longer/shorter to match latch side overlap pattern) Attach hinges pre tensioned to carry weight so gate won't sag when opened. Mark top and bottom face boards cuts, remove, cut, & reattach them Install a latch Profit
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