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Everything posted by eliserx

  1. pretty wild. I can see it switch every now and then but if I look long enough, it doesn't. I have to look away a little.
  2. These were gifts from my uncle when I was 10 and I've always had more fun playing on NES :D I need to get some cleaning kit for them they're almost unplayable, always messing up mid-levels.. really frustrating.
  3. "pissing on a panda" - quit your dayjob
  4. I live in TX and I don't pay attention to any football games but I know I'll hear about them eventually and in every class at school.
  5. i know alot of girls who shave their arms but it sucks because everytime i go to a club or show & brush against them i get scrateched. waxing would be a good option.
  6. Mew, band from Denmark(i think). the vocalist has this high-pitched aneglic-girlish voice. & then Interpol, saw them last night ;)
  7. khmer kid http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=40105527 my friend had me listen to "smoke weed." i like it.
  8. Yeah, they know. Most girls look in the mirror everyday. I used to have a 'stache but I plucked it out with tweezers and it hasn't came back. It was the most painful thing I've ever done to my face(try it). &YES, I'm persian too :) so if you meet some hot persian girl, know that she had a stache & unibrow at one point in her life, if she denies it she's lying.. her [most likely] rich parents paid for the electrolysis or pay/paid for her to get it waxed.. and it is REALLY embarassing, and I got picked on but problem solved. Guys gave me shit about it but it was when I believed they had cooties so them saying things didn't bother me as much as girls, because girls can be fucking cruel. I knew this mexican girl who, in highschool, would tell people I looked like a dyke for a haircut I had. She had the hairiest arms I'd ever seen in my life. Looooong ass dark black hairs too but I never said a word to her, I already knew people talked about it. I hate girls.
  9. My grandma's name is Freda Jo and her husband's name was Leo.. I have no idea if it was short for anything, we just called him Leo. I've met a Eugene and Ulysess and then half my family's names are old honky tonk, like Donna Sue and Danny Ray.
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD dunno if this is on here already
  11. -riding in a car aimlessly with friends, smoking and not worrying about MY gas tank -free movie admission -interpol tickets -cool ass grandmas
  12. yeah... i read where they've already broken up once but got back together for the new album. hopefully they can stick it out for a few more.
  13. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  14. iranians dont really consider themselves asians. too far east. im half that and white.
  15. h-town hoe-town hoeston screwston
  16. Re: INTERPOL my mom says paul sounds like jim morrison
  17. Re: INTERPOL I CANNOT WAIT. carlos d is a genius and paul banks's voice is so sexy..
  18. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food its hasselhoff. eating a burger. i believe.
  19. I live in Houston. The people suck and can't drive. I've been to Austin to see family and Placebo play and I loved it. Austin's the place to be. It's so much nicer and there's more to do. I went to Dallas and it was boring and reminded me of Houston.
  20. Re: Guaging help... Yeah.. definately clean it first.
  21. Re: Guaging help... If you wanna do it the cheap way, use plastic stuff. I used to break apart eyeshadow applicators and use them to stretch. Saved me money since I had tons of them. You just have to guestimate what size they are, though.
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