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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I was gonna say. I rarely even smoke weed, but every blunt I ever hit looked about like that. Maybe it's a Philly thing.
  2. Nah. I don't even know what that is. I don't watch too much TV.
  3. I know their boards were crazy wide. And I could never skate them. Ricky Oyola Matt Reason Sergie Trudnowski AJ Mazoo
  4. Felix Arguelles is mad oldschool cat. Damn... I aint even heard that name in mad long. If he's riding for them it's cause he's OG. And if he sucks, it's cause he's old. I could be wrong, but I think he might have even ridden for Shut back in the late 80's. Shut was more of a NYC local company anyways. Like a few freinds that started up their own shit.
  5. Did KT get the boot? And I thought Zoo was Shut. I guess they just sold the Zoo name and brought back Shut?
  6. Damn, you had to go and ruin it for me didn't you? When did Ecko buy Zoo York? Behindthetimesoner->
  7. If you think Girl decks break easy now, you don't even know. I remember when they first came out. Everybody rushed out to buy them. And everybody broke there's on the smallest flatground tricks within the first few days. I've had a couple Chocolate boards in the past few years and they didn't break though. Maybe you just had bad luck. And Zoo York boards are the shit.
  8. Dawgs. Didn't you admit to wearing tight pants? You're a faggot homie. A hipster faggot. Go drink some Sparks and skate into rush hour traffic with your ipod cranked full volume.
  9. LMAO!!! I actually have an ipod. Got it like 2 or 3 years ago. Skated with it like once or twice then came to the conclusion that it's just a distraction and I can't hear what's going on. Not to mention I kept having to take it out my ear everytime someone said something like "what's that? I didn't hear you". Shit was annoying. And so it sits and collects dust. The only time I've even used it since is when I'm on a plane. As for fag, I'm pretty confident I'd break you in half. Aren't you one of them faggot hipsters that wears tight pants? Who the fuck you calling a fag??? How the fuck would I be the one not paying attention when it's people like YOU who have fucking earphones in your gaddamned ear at the skate park wondering infront of peoples lines??? Oh shit!!! The faggot hipster just threatened me!!! LMFAO!!!!!! I hope I do run into you and check you so you can try it you fucking HOMO!!!
  10. ^Like I said. I'm about to start checkin niggas.
  11. What's wrong with it??? Are you fucking serious??? You kids constantly get in the fucking way cause you can't hear who's going where. Yall tune everything out and act like you're the only ones at the spot and just roll infront of people like they aint even there. Cause you can't hear other peoples wheels rolling. That's what's wrong with it. Fucking idiot.
  12. ^Seriously. How is skating goofey supposed to handicap you for kickflips? :lol:
  13. Another thing that's been getting on my nerves at parks and crowded spots is these kids with their fucking ipods that have no clue what's going on around them. I'm about to start checking these kids when they get in my way. Hockey style. It ain't my fault you can't hear shit, take the fucking ipod out your ears and you can hear what's going on around you!!!
  14. LM still at it. That's what's up.
  15. 34 is big???? What are you a 13 year old girl?
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