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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. That photo's dope shai. For some reason it reminds me of a shirt I had in highschool. I forget what company it was for but it was like a silouette of someone doing an ollie and it looked alot like that photo. Maybe H-street?
  2. Your reading comprehension is garbage B.
  3. Yeah, and when everybody else looks like "Baggy blue jeans, baseball cap, white tee... how much easier is it going to be for the cops to find you when you're in tight pants and a size medium shirt? And who do you think the cops are gonna roll up on for a random search someone who looks like they belong in the hood, or someone who sticks out like a sore thumb in his tight pants and hipster gear? Where I come from people who claim to wear "clothes that fit" usually dress like yuppies. In tight pants. Not necessarily spandex girls pants, but tight none the less. Dressing like a homeless works I guess, but a Northface with deep ass pockets holds mad cans. Fuck walking around with a bag. I rock the black plastic bag in the summer time when I can't wear a coat. I been rocking the black plastic bag for mad long. I put mad heads onto that shit YEARS ago. But the fact is, the cops are catching onto that too. And when they see fresh tags popping up on their route and see you walking down the street carrying a bag they're gonna roll up on you to see what's in the bag. And the best way to look like you belong is to look like everybody else in the hood. Which means what you call "thug uniform". But hey, don't take my word for it either. The only times I ever been caught was when I was completely shit-bombed and stumbling down the street just writing on shit infront of people like a retard.
  4. Damn... that kids pretty fucking good.
  5. "Thug uniform" LMAO!!! I don't know how it is in Cali or Australia but baggy pants, long shirts, and big coats and fitteds are the standard pretty much anywhere on the east coast. You don't really see anybody walking around in a homo uniform with the exeption of 14 year old skater kids. If anything, walking through the hood in faggot ass tight pants would draw the wrong attention. You'd probably get robbed and beat the fuck up and the cops would probably stop you and frisk you for drugs thinking you're some junky from Jersey who came to score. Where the fuck would you even put your paint and markers and shit in them tight ass homo clothes? You'd have to walk around with a bag all drawin and shit. And those black plastic bags, the cops are already catching on to that one my man.
  6. WTF??? His pants aren't even close to baggy. You're one of them spandex girls pants faggots, aren't you?
  7. Post that shit homie. I doubt too many of the kids on here have a leg to stand on ripping on anybody's video part.
  8. So true. I remember the New Deal pants had mad deep pockets too. You could just walk around with cans in them. I don't see too many writers rocking the tight gear, but that's gotta be a bitch to bomb in. Walking around with a backpack all suspicious and shit. Kids today are fucking noodles. And yeah, we used to rock the flannels back in those days too. Shit's were warm to skate in in the winter.
  9. That's funny, I never heard of a "Bob shirt". Are you just talking about T-shirts? Must be some Westcoast slang or something. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  10. I was gonna say those boards look like they suck.
  11. Touche. I aint even heard dudes name in like 18 years. My foot is in my mouth.
  12. Peyote, he was in it. I just can't find his part on youtube.
  13. Unless he opened his present in 1989, fell and hit his head leaving him in a coma for 18 years, then came out of his coma and was like "fuck that skating shit, I'm just gonna stick with this fancy new Tony Hawk video game".... then I don't see how your story possibly makes sense.
  14. I wanted to hate on that Richie Jackson hippy dude just on principal. I tried. But the man's just too good at what he does to hate. Origional as fuck anyways. Somebody should let him know it's no longer 1968 though for real.
  15. ^Your story's got mad holes in it. What's with the recent influx of liars lately?
  16. Can you find Pat Corcoran's part from that video?
  17. I'm sure you do little Miss Girly Tightpants. :rolleyes:
  18. Dudes who wear chicks pants aint "in the closet". That's pretty much full blown gay.
  19. Handle who? duffel? What he smack him up or something?
  20. Word, I was gonna say something about that girlpants faggot calling Stevie a nigger. I thought that douche was banned from skating after that. Why yall showing that fag love?
  21. A case of Bud Select for 10 bills??? You sure you aint talking about a 12 pack?
  22. LOL! You seriously hate the man. :lol: Dude apparently does have a bad case of the Hollywoods though. Damn... I remember when dude rocked dreads and looked like an Alva head. :lol:
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