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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. What you really need to do is just grow a thicker skin and not just expect people on the internet to be like "yeah bro, that was dope!" I mean, not to be mean and shit, but yeah. You and your boys kinda suck. But it's cool cause you're just having fun and being 15. But when you put that video on here and ask for honest opinions... you're gonna get just that. Just keep at it and wait another couple years untill you post another video asking for criticism. Especially since you don't seem to be willing to take said criticism.
  2. It boggles my mind how mad people on here consistantly to this day still call me "DOA", when clearly the initials of my name spell out "DAO".
  3. Could be. Or it could just be stock cap tags. I wasn't trying to dis dude. Shit was done in 94 for God's sake. I'm sure dude was young as shit in 94.
  4. Holly fuck that frontside flip at 5:18 was sick huge. 6:22 and 6:25 was pretty sick too. Actually the whole video was ill. Where these cats from? I wanna skate that spot with the lay-up right next to it. :D
  5. Good luck to your homie. Is he going to Iraq?
  6. Yall are trippin. That kid has style despite that fact that he's a little kid. And yeah I guess he has no pop... doing backside huricanes and healflip feebles on rails. And backside 50-50s on hubbas. Any fat fuck or little kid can easily pop into that shit, It's not like it takes any pop for that shit. Right?:rolleyes: Yall are trippin. Point blank. It used to piss me off too to see these little fuckers skating like Superman. Then I eventually got over my jeolousy I guess. Maybe yall eventually will too.
  7. I just watched that video of the kid skating again trying to figure out where you're coming from with this "gross style" shit, but I'm still scratching my head. Dude looks pretty natural and comfortable on his board to me. So yeah. You are hating on the kid.
  8. When Guy busted out, nobody was all on his dick like "yooo this kid's a fucking legend!!!" It was just "yo that kid is fucking GOOD!" Also, nobody was like "that kid? fuck that kid. He's got little kid style". Even though OF COURSE he had "little kid style". He was a little kid for crying out loud! What the fuck is wrong with you people? That kid Nyjah (at the age of 13) is better than ALOT of full grown pro's. And like 1000 times better than any of yous could ever even dream of being. That's real rap. You dudes talking shit probably suck dick at skating.
  9. Man crush? LMAO. It's a fucking accent. I know mad people who talk exactly the same. I'm sure you probably got a deep Canook accent and probably don't even realise it. Dude's cools as shit too. You probably wouldn't be hating if you knew him. But that's half the fun of the internet I guess.
  10. You're a fucking idiot. You're probably still in highschool and suck at skateboarding, yet you're criticising somebody who's better at 13 than you ever will be. I seen douchebags like you come and go. I've probably been skating longer than you've been alive. You're just a run of the mill hater. When Guy busted out in Public Domain and the Video Days he was the same size as this kid and probably the same age if not a year or two older. And he wasn't anywhere near this good. Nobody was. And his style wasn't anyhere near developed as it became when he got older. And style? there's nothing wong with dude's style. How you going to diss dudes style when there's nothing wrong with it? Like I said, you're just a run of the mill hater who has no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're just talking shit to make yourself sound valid. Fuck outa here.
  11. True story. That dude's just hating cause it fucks him up to see a fucking 13 year old skate so fucking good. I know it fucks me up. And yeah, dudes way better than Mariano was at twice his age. That's just a fact. That's just evolution and progression. Mariano is the fucking man. A fucking legend. But this kid is going places too.
  12. Actually yeah. When I went to Vancouver the accent there was like 100 times stronger than I expected. I had trouble understanding some of the shit people where saying. I actually felt like I was on the other side of the world or something. /notcommingatyoujustsayin.
  13. How did dude fall 9 stories? Was he skating? Just being drunk? WTF happened?
  14. What??? That sucks. I remember when him and his boys where staying in Philly back in the day. That's fucked up. Dude was sick. I skated with him many times. /noeastgaystylenamedropping.
  15. AAAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!! My dude BELONGS on 12oz!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iouA-9Ez8a8
  16. Truth. Speed, power and style for days.
  17. I know Justin Strubing's been around for mad long and all but damn... I never knew he was that good. Those video parts where pretty fucking sick.
  18. Yeah that was back when all that westcoast gangster shit was big that we used to rock those. Then grunge took over and made flannels gay. Kinda like how ravers took over the huge pants shanked at the bottom and made that gay.
  19. Flannels are warm as shit though. And they where kinda dope back in the day so long as you rocked the extra big jawns buttoned all the way up.
  20. I'm from the Eastcoast and I've been skating longer than you've been alive and I have no idea what you're blabbering about. I havn't worn a flannel since 94 and I can't think off the top of my head of anybody who skates that does.
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