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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. More like I'm not stupid enough to put myself on blast like some of you retards.
  2. ^Thank God I'm not as ugly as this nigga. I'll bet you're visibly upset that no matter how hard you try, you'll never find a real pic of my face on the internet. [ATTACH]109938.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. Not only did this nigga stop wearing his Goodwill cowboy belt buckle just cause I clowned him for it, but now he's even speaking in Philly slang. Maybe the reason why this kid was on my dick so hard is cause he secretly wants to be me. :lol:
  4. They're both fucking rich. Pats is just grimey anyways.
  5. Geno's is better but they're rightwing, cop loving faggots. They're both overpriced and skimp on the meat these days too.
  6. ^Good shit. That ditch at the begining looks like it was made for skating. "McLovin" :lol:
  7. Pulaski's one of my all time favorite spots I've ever skated.
  8. Must be my dopleganger. I'll have to fight this nigga for trying to make me look bad if we ever cross paths.
  9. " But I have come to realize through careful study of the Holy Scriptures and close attention to current events that these are the last days (Even if you don't believe this, you are still going to die so listen up!). We are entering the time of testing that will come upon the whole world to see who really Loves God, i.e. who is going to worship the False Jesus and who will worship the True Jesus. " ^I guess "True Jesus" is down with shooting niggas for talking in the movie theater? :lol:
  10. Holly shit Theo just gave me like 100 points! You must have enough props power to make Casek jealous. :lol:
  11. ^You do realise that there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with a male over the age of 12 wearing a medium shirt, right? And tripple that when it comes to wearing a medium fucking WU-TANG shirt, right? I mean, you do know that you woulda got repeatedly beat the fuck up just on GP showing up to a Wu-tang show looking like that, right?
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