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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. It's like that with anything. You skate a miniramp all day, then try to go skate street and your muscles don't work right. And vise versa.
  2. ^Dumbest statement I've ever seen on this thread.
  3. I can do clean, smooth 50-50's all day. That doesn't make me good at skateboarding though.
  4. I didn't say that having style was faggy, I was trying to say that couch potato ass niggas watching videos and trying to pick apart dudes for their style when he just ollied 3 fucking benches stacked is kinda faggy. Mike Carrol and Guy Mariano have ill styles, but nobody really gave a shit about that back then. What people gave a shit about was the tricks they were doing. Then the mid/late 90's came along and all of a sudden any dude with dreadlocks and 60mm wheels doing a 50-50 grind on a bench "with style" was all of a sudden better than people like Rodney Mullen doing nollie inward heelflip nose manuals to whateverthefuck out but sketching on the landing. If you take offence to what I'm describing as "faggy" then hey, maybe the shoe fits.
  5. Jermy Klein was ill back then. People didn't start getting all faggy about style till the mid to late 90's. In the early 90's it was all about busting shit that other people couldn't do, and style was just a minor bonus.
  6. I'm mad proud of Chris Cole. I remember when everyone in Philly hated him and filmers refused to film him. I remember telling people that this kid was the future of skateboarding, and they'd just laugh and say that he was garbage. Philly's kinda funny like that.
  7. I could tell by the shape. I wanted that board when I was a kid but never got one.
  8. ^Is that a Chris Miller in the middle?
  9. Also, how the fuck does Brian Herman have that kind of money? Maybe it's cause I'm pretty much out of the loop, but the only time I ever even heard of that kid before was his horrible part in that Baker Bootleg video back in like 01 or whatever when he was like 12. Did he blow up or something?
  10. I don't really keep up with videos and what's going on and shit these days, but I remember seeing that fake Beagle dude in something or another (They called him Beagleoneism) and thinking that it was the real Josh Beagle and being hype like "oooh shit it's Josh Beagle!" If I was the real Josh Beagle I'd be pissed.
  11. I hate when people cross talk about some shit on here without at least posting a fucking link to what they're talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J8yFzctcEc
  12. I can't imagine trying to launch off a kicker over a gap like Wallenberg. If anything, that would add to the gnar-factor and people would be getting carried off on stretchers from their legs and feet exploding on impact when they bail.
  13. Where in your retarded mind did you ever get the inclination that I'm trying to stop this? The shit's fucking hilarious. If it was really me though, then I'd be trying to stop this.
  14. Haslam is the fucking man. Tight pants wearing kook or not.
  15. So you're basically doing a back 5-0 to tail, but jamming your nose into the railing in the process. Your "nose bonk" comment is what threw me off. A nosebonk is what I posted in that video.
  16. You're also completely full of shit.
  17. So apparently homeboy is doing this: Then somehow popping out to this: ^From the coping up to the siderail of the quarterpipe, then defying physics and somehow reversing his direction back the way he came from to land on his tail back on the lip of the quarterpipe? Really? :confused: [ATTACH]111642.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. Are you fucking retarded? Read this shit and try to picture in your mind what the fuck he's talking about. After reading his explanation with his little pic of the quarterpipe, I still can't figure out what the fuck he's trying to say.
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