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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. You're a fucking idiot. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting for people like us in Montana. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04, so they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  2. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- You're a fucking idiot. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting for people like us in Montana. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04, so they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  3. You're a fucking idiot. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting for people like us in Montana. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04, so they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  4. You're a fucking idiot. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting for people like us in Montana. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04, so they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  5. You're a fucking idiot. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting for people like us in Montana. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04, so they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  6. Why would you bump won, and not that Sire and Braze?
  7. You're a fucking idiot too. Alex Jones is a fucking fraud and his shit has already been PROVEN to be propaganda. And that "new world order" shit has been in the making since forever. It's some Republican shit. The funny thing is that everytime anybody mentioned anything about the new world order during a republican presidency, these republicans would be laughing their asses off talking about "you're a conspiracy nut, there's no such thing as a new world order, there's no such thing as an illuminati, there's no such thing as a Bilderburgh group"... Now that there's a black president, all of a sudden these same fucking douchebags are hollering and screaming about "the illuminati, the new world order, the Bilderburghs". The same nut ass motherfuckers who were trying to deny the shit existed in the first place, are now all of a sudden conspiracy theorists. The even more fucked up part is the fact that they're now all of a sudden admitting to the existence of this shit and trying to scare you scaredy ass sheeple into believeing that this shit is somehow linked to Obama of all people. The reason that they're doing that is because they think (or know) that you fucktards are actually stupid enough to believe that shit. Obama is the last motherfucker who would even think of activating the concentration camps that previous administrations have built, ready, and waiting in Montana for people like us. But they're so pissed that they lost the last elections by such a landslide (and it looks like they might not ever recover) to the point that they can't even try to flub the shit like they did in 2000 and 04. So they're basically throwing a hail marry and outing what the fuck they've been planning this whole time, only trying to spin it to look like Obama of all people is behind the shit. They're trying to incite a fucking uprising against the wrong people. And the scariest part is that ALOT of you people are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Get your head out of your ass and put it to use.
  8. I'm not mad, I'm just letting you know that you're a fucking idiot.
  9. If you're talking about Post from NYC, I don't see it.
  10. This guy's a fucking idiot too.
  11. ^This coming from the fucking homo who was posting gay ass stickers and artfaggotry? Thank you to whoever banned this fucking idiot.
  12. ^Good shit. They got some dope spots over there.
  13. That's from that new Alien Workshop video that just came out recently. I forget the name.
  14. You're a fucking idiot B. I was around when the shit took off. I remember hip-hop heads and black kids laughing at us for wearing baggy jeans, then like the next year or two later they were doing it too. And rockers and Bikers weren't rockin the chain wallets that hung down you your knees. Skateboarders started that shit in the early 90's. You were probably too young to even remember that shit. You were probably still sucking on your moms tits. You talking about shit that you weren't even around for is what's increadibly stupid. As a matter of fact, skateboarders even brought back the fatboy laces when we brought back the oldschool kicks. You're a fucking buster. Try talking about shit that you know about.
  15. You don't know what you're talking about. I don't know how old you are, but I'm old as dirt and was there. Hip hop heads got the baggie jeans and long tees from skateboarders. I ain't even talking about in 2009, EVERYBODY was rockin chain wallets throughout the 90's. And they all got that shit from skateboarders, who got that shit from Matt Hensley who was doing that shit in the late 80's. Skateboarders STARTED the whole oldschool kicks throwback trend in the early-mid 90's. Infact, that shit started at Love park with people that I grew up skating with. It started because people were broke as shit and could get Pumas and Gazeles down 69th st for like $15 back in the early 90's and they were dope to skate in. Then the shit caught on and next thing you know you had EMB cats on the other side of the country rockin the shit, next thing you know all the hip-hop heads were rocking the shit, then EVERYBODY was rockin the shit by the mid 90's. And what I was talking about the jocks, goths and ravers is NOT irrelevant to the subject, cause I was talking about how skateboarders influenced how they dressed.
  16. What the fuck is a New Brunswick, and why are you posting that shit in the Philly thread?
  17. LMAO! I knew ALOT of people who did this. :lol: Crazy amounts of old G-bones and T-bones and Bullets that were just sitting around in peoples basements collecting dust ended up getting recycled this way.
  18. You're either really young and have no idea what you're talking about, or you're an idiot. Ravers bit those pants from skateboarders in the early 90's. There's always been metalhead skaters, just like there's always been punk skaters and hip-hop skaters. And skateboarders have influenced the way metalheads, punks, hip-hop heads, surfers, hipsters etc dressed for as long as there's been skate culture. This is actually comon knowlege that most people in or out of skateboarding already know.
  19. You're trippin. Skateboarders started baggy pants and long tees. Skateboarders started that chain wallet shit back in the 90's. Skateboarders brought back the Pumas, shelltoes and Gazels throwback phase in the 90's. Then later on in the 90's everybody started rockin skate shoes. Even the suburban jock kids were wearing Airwalks and Etnies. Then you had the stoner/goth kids rockin Alien Workshop gear like it was some Marylin Manson shit. What's known as "raver pants" was started by skateboarders then ripped off by ravers. And I fucking hate this generation of skateboarders for starting that whole TPWF trend. For better or for worse, skateboarders have always sparked mad trends whether it be in hip-hop or whatever.
  20. Haha! Those just reminded me of the Velocities. These jawns were INDESTRUCTABLE. You'd get holes in the soles long before you'd get an ollie hole in these shits. :lol: [ATTACH]109354.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]109355.vB[/ATTACH] ^I had the all black jawns, but with the lace savers. :lol:
  21. The first Airwalks were dope too. I think I even had this same colorway back in the day. :biglaugh: It was the late 80's though so I get a pass. [ATTACH]109236.vB[/ATTACH]
  22. Yeah, I edited to say the first ones "of that series". The 540's and 720's etc were also part of the Prototype series.
  23. Which ones were those? Weren't they the first ones from that series and they just called them "prototypes"? My memory is fogging up right now.
  24. Half Cabs are arguably the best skate shoes ever. Some people think they're too thin on the bottoms though, so if you skate alot of big stairs and rails you might bruise your feet easily.
  25. Kanye would be homo enough to bite some old Airwalks from the late 80's/early 90's. Those kicks you posted are fucking gross. They might even be uglier than the 540's. :lol:
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