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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  2. Taking dude seriously is a fail. Like you said, he's a fucking joke. A mentally unbalanced joke.
  3. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! You know that nigga tried to tell everybody that he's Chinese, right? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: While he was on webcam for us all to see his white boy face!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. ^This noob actually thinks that's really my mug. :biglaugh:
  5. I slay tinychat everytime I'm on there. Till soup bans me for slaying him.
  6. How somebody think they can write SB? Kids need history lessons.
  7. Sponsoring and filming the local unknowns who have serious talent and a possible future in skateboarding wouldn't hurt for spreading your rep on some word of mouth type shit too. Might help get your foot in the door with the local shops, and then eventually the not so local shops once you put out a video.
  8. If you have the funds to get hooked up with a board manufacturer that actually makes good boards, then I say go for it. Most skaters could give a fuck about the graffics, but if your decks are legit you might be able to pull a little following. Just don't actually paint the decks, get them printed. Actual paint on a deck makes it hard to do railslides and tailslides and shit. I wouldn't go into it expecting it to pay your bills, but a little suplimental income never hurt anybody. Just don't charge any more than $25-$30 a deck if you're going to be selling out of your trunk. And take measures to not let your boards get warped while they're sitting around (ie don't leave them in your trunk or sitting at fucked up angles).
  9. True story. My monster still gets it in occasionally after the board's already broken though. The worst is when your board is jacked and some asshole focuses his still new board right infront of you just cause he couldn't land a trick. It's like "damn, you coulda just focused my shit and let me have yours". That shit pisses me off. That shit happened today.
  10. My focus monster ended up breaking my boys truck one time. And that was way back when I was skinny as shit.
  11. Haha... good luck with that. Even if you're homies with the shop owner, I don't think they're gonna hook it up if you bring in the nose and tail talking bout it snapped on a nollie flip. :lol: Next time your board breaks on some suspect shit, put a leash on the focus monster and look at the shit first to make sure you can't find some defect that caused the shit to break so easy. If there's a defect, you can usually get a replacement. Especially if it's a shop board. Even if you have to mail the shit to the company, I'd think it's worth the hassle.
  12. I've done exactly that before. It's like "how the fuck do you snap a board on a nollie flip???" Then I noticed that there wasn't enough glue in the spot where it broke. I took that shit back to the shop and showed them, and they replaced it.
  13. And how would you even get to it? Looks like you'd have to jump from the railing, and have somebody throw you your board. Or maybe climb up those rafters in the back.
  14. Drop in from the spine, kickturn, blunt transfer, end run. I could see somebody fucking around and falling to their death trying to seriously skate that shit.
  15. The fuck is that? Celt would have a blast.
  16. Dude is a beast. Kinda reminds me of Mike Maldonado style wise.
  17. I'd rock them if I was still in the 150ish range. I'm too fat to be doing that to my feet these days though. I still rock thin shoes though, just not that thin. (I'm assuming they have the same soles as the origional Chucks)
  18. So why should we have to go digging for something you posted a while ago, or even go googleing on our own, when you could simply just post the fucking link yourself? I just don't get why you would comment on something outside of this thread without posting a link to what you're talking about. That's like dudes who start pic threads without posting pics. Common courtesy my dude.
  19. If you're going to post about it, then at least post a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWWGISr1Lv8
  20. What do you mean by the only dude to get away with 360 hardflips? Also, I don't think I've ever even seen anybody do that shit. So what do you mean by nowadays?
  21. ^Why dude have to diss him like that all leaving him hanging and shit? Brushed him off the first time, then straight up dissed him the second time. What a fucking faggot.
  22. ^Well then my bad for the negaprops. :biglaugh: You take halfway decent pics though. Assuming that you took those.
  23. That's like saying Richard Simmons will show me up at jumping jacks. He probably would, but who cares... Dude's still a homo.
  24. This one's funny. I love how these rightwing rednecks are all of a sudden crying about the new world order now that there's a black president. :lol:
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