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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Oh snap. I didn't even know they had beef.
  2. What does that tag over Zem even say?
  3. If silentwrytes is such a headache, then don't type it into your brouser. Nobody's forcing you to waste your time.
  4. I love how yall niggas keep inventing how old I am. Even if I was 58, you'd still be a fucking faggot. You're a disgrace to skateboarders, and the human race in general. You're a fucking pansy. This pussy just mad cause his daddy's a security guard.
  5. You saw a video of a security guard try to get buck with a skater, and the skater whooped his ass. Infront of one of the security guards co-workers. Then said that you're "embarrassed for skateboarders". I rest MY case, you fucking homo.
  6. The guy did make the first move, dumbass. Kid tried to dip around him (probably to try the ollie again) and dude gripped him up.
  7. Faggots like you make me embarassed for skateboarders.
  8. Dude shoulda kept the walkie talkie so that they could repeatedly slay dude to his fellow security goons by talking shit over their radio waves. :lol:
  10. Pieces always look better with a bunch of tags and "shit" all around it.
  11. I didn't see dude get arrested. I also didn't see any "attempted murder", that would require dude actually pointing and shooting the gun at dude. I did just watch that shit again though and seen dudes homeboy in the background getting beat down by some of the other skaters though. :lol:
  12. Dude said guns are for pussies in general. That's not factual.
  13. Yeah, I was drunk when I watched that last night and must have missed out on his boy in the background all "stop, get off him". A couple of them had his back though.
  14. You see..... now THAT'S how skaters used to roll. THAT is exactly what I'm talking about when I call you pussy ass TPWF's a bunch of pussys talkin bout how some crackhead confiscated your skateboard or whatever. This reminds me of why I'm so ashamed of the youth everytime i click on some "skateboarder fight" video on youtube and it's just some TPWF arguing with a rollerblader or security guard, then bitching out and leaving.
  15. pffffffffffftt is that dude. Plus he's OG on here, noob. You get the negahammers for even trying.
  16. Shit aint working for me tonight. I see some bullshit pop-up ad that I think is causing the shit to not load for me. Anybody else having this problem?
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