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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I don't see what anything in this video has anything to do with me. Nor do I see why you had to make a fake screen name just to post it. FAIL.
  2. What a fucking faggot. Somebody ban this noodle.
  3. I basically learned how to skate on a Variflex XP. I was ollieing down and up 3 stairs on that bitch. Covered it in skate stickers so that nobody would know my broke ass was riding a Variflex. :biglaugh:
  4. He's your dad, and he shot a nigga in the movie theater for talking too loud. And now some kid in Philly is writing his name.
  5. I hear you. It's like everything is so next level that it's over my head and I can't even relate to it anymore. It all just becomes one big blur of WTF.
  6. Holy fuck that place is still around??? That shit was an ancient relic when I was a kid.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo ...
  8. Soup is an angry faggot who thinks he's Chinese. Fuck that nigga. http://tinychat.com/jwqfu
  9. Where you been? Skating pools again seems to be the hot new thing nowadays. And most of these parks popping up have cement bowls that are basically just made to skate pools.
  10. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122893
  11. Yeah, I guess huffing some shit once for the LOL's makes me a air duster addict. Yall got me there. And am I supposed to be offended by some metrosexual who makes threads about metrosexual ass Jap clothing calling me a "wigger"? I'm pretty sure that 99% of the heterosexual males in this country qualify as "wiggers" in the mind of a homo who makes threads like this. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122893
  12. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122893
  13. You'll be 30 one day, and you'll still be a ginger.
  14. I had B and D. New Deal boards were the shit back then. I went a few years of rockin strictly New Deal and New Deal related boards.
  15. Yeah, once was enough to scratch it off my bucket list.
  16. This homo fantasizing about blowing in my kids face.
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