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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. It's not even a real skate video. It's just some dude's bro-cam footy that he posted on 12oz. Not serious business.
  2. Then why do you care so much about background noises?
  3. I used to think Suppose was spelled Sapose.
  4. At least it's nowhere near as annoying as the soundtracks to the vast majority of the videos you post.
  5. You really have no fucking clue. :lol:
  6. That could have all been easily avoided if they just snatched the shit from dude and bounced. Skateboarders are fucking embarrassing these days.
  7. Soup claiming that this is him. When we all know different. If anybody knows who this really is, please direct them to this thread.
  8. Yo Theo and Pizzy and everybody who was present when Soup tried to front like he writes and embarassed himself with those attempts at tags need to get in there ASAP. This nigga on there posting pics of some other niggas shit and fronting like he didn't get laughed into oblivion 2 months ago when he tried to do tags on there. And these newjack ass niggas is believing him too.
  9. Bongos why the fuck are you playing Katsu like that by posting that shit in the Philly thread when none of it's in Philly and Katsu aint from Philly?
  10. Kevin Harris invented skate stoppers. If I ever meet that faggot I'll probably go to jail. Rodney Mullen was doing them when Jason Lee was probably learning how to ride off a curb.
  11. That was how everybody was doing them in the late 90's. People thought it was ugly if you did it the regular way. I don't think they're ugly, just different. JR Neves Had some banging "Muska Flips" RIP.
  12. I didn't see anything wrong with that hardflip either. I think most people agree that he does have a weird style in general though.
  13. I remember reading some interview back in the day where he talks about how he loves math and is mad good at it. And how he does mathematical equations in his head to help him figure out tricks. Dude's kind of a genius, which I'm sure is why he's so good at what he does.
  14. Whoever told you he's autistic is an idiot.
  15. MB says that if he ever finds you he's gonna break your head.
  16. If you think that what you did is "part of the game" and that what you have is "fame" then you're a fucking retard. Real talk. Put down this graff shit and stick to playing your mark echo video game before you end up getting yourself more than hospitalized.
  17. Are you seriously calling MB pussy?
  18. *Nollie back lip. And yes he does. :biglaugh:
  19. This was labeled as "best skate line ever". I might have to agree.
  20. I'm not some bleeding heart hippie faggot, but if I was present when them dudes smashed that frog with that big ass rock I might have smashed them with said big ass rock.
  21. Rodney Mullen invented hardflips. As well as kickflips. As well as street ollies. As well as the vast majority of the tricks that we do. Rodney Mullen can do whatever the fuck he wants however the fuck he wants.
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