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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. What makes you think I'd touch my penis while looking at you?
  2. I'll bet Whatnot would be more of a smash if she wasn't deliberately going for that Austin hipster trash look. She just needs a makeover or some shit.
  3. Yeah, I guess you'd have to be a midget porn expert to notice about 6 inches of arm length between her elbow and her midget shoulders supporting that massive head. C'mon, son...
  4. He posted a midget. I'd say he's doing it righter than you. He's also the original creator of this thread before it got lost in the 12oz crash and resurrected by somebody else. I'd say he knows how to do this.
  5. Did I miss something? POZ a snitch now?
  6. Fucking christ... that helicoptor grinding the rail then skating the vert ramp...
  7. That wasn't a heelflip, it was the same kind of flip that a nocomply flip does. Which makes it that much more ridiculous.
  8. X-Games in Philly back in 2000 or so me and my homie were driving back from skating some shit in West Philly. I drive past the Drexel blue bar spot and I yell out "Koston!" at the same time my homie yells out "McCrank!". So of course we parked up and went and skated with them. The level of dork tricks these dudes were doing would make Louie Barletta shit his pants. This video you just posted has absolutely nothing on the level of dork ticks these dudes were doing that night. I don't know what you mean by you miss "that Koston", but I think that's probably just how he skates when the cameras aren't rolling. Or apparently even sometimes when they are.
  9. Also looks like he's about to hang up on that ollie.
  10. Oh... caption says fs bluntSLIDE to fake. Different trick from what you said. Footy still required.
  11. A fs blunt to fakie would have to involve a fs 360 ollie out of the blunt. I don't know nothing bout that.
  12. Dude are you serious? Cause I seriously doubt that video of Lil Wayne being pro for Alien Workshop was anywhere near serious. Real talk, if anybody's even hooking him up with boards it'd probably just be for the perks of being "Lil Wayne's" homie. Kinda like how certain chick writers get down with squads just for the fact that she's letting niggas run triz.
  13. Why and how is this nigga skating in New Balance's? Do they make skate kicks now, or is he seriously doing all that in running shoes???
  14. Oh man... You're going back to like 2000 with those names. Those dudes changed their names a few times since then. No idea how to put you in touch though. Sorry.
  15. I wanna hate on dude, but it looks like he's having a blast.
  16. That's not amazing. In fact, I could've done that 10 years ago. And it wasn't amazing then.
  17. I take it she's a lefty. Not really into handjobs anyways, so I'd hit it and quit it before shit got too weird. Then again bitch got them crazy scorpio eyes and would probably find a way to make my life miserable for not taking her serious. On second thought, pass.
  18. Guaranteed this bitch is a BEAST in the sack. Probably smash at least once just off the GP of that.
  19. More like white college dudes with dreadlocks. Or at least that's what their fan base was and what their failed attempt at music reminded me of.
  20. I fucking hate Sublime. That band is fucking terrible.
  21. Dude was a underrated beast. I remember he did a 270 lipslide on a handrail in what was it Love Child? It wasn't a big ass rail, but for the time that shit blew my mind.
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