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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. No, you said that skateboarding is gay, then emphasized you living in TPWF land as making it even gayer.
  2. You posted a pic of yourself in the VIP wearing tight pants. Are you going to bitch to the mods and get me banned if I repost that shit in here?
  3. A tailgrab is just a tailgrab. Unless you're talking about a front hand grabbing the tail like a reverse crail. If that's the case then I've never actually seen that and "seatbelt" sounds like an appropriate name. If I didn't have this 12 pack in the way of doing grab tricks, I'd probably set out to learn that shit myself.
  4. When Spitfires grandmom threw the pebbles out infront of them kids just to skatestop them, it reminded me of that saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same". :lol:
  5. How the fuck is this still going? Are there people on here who actually think that's really me?
  6. Illusion flip is what you call one of them late 90's hardlips that is more like a weird pop shovit between the legs. It's half pop shoveit, and half hardflip and it's hard to tell if it's really even flipping or not. The term illusion flip dates back to the Chad Muska/Donny Barely days. These days it's like a sideways diss to call someones hardflip a "illusion flip", but I remember getting laughed at in the late 90's for still doing my hardflips the right way when everybody else was doing illusion flips.
  7. Kids be re-naming/miss naming tricks way too much these days. At first it's whatever, but then when it starts to catch on it's like WTF.
  8. For the record, there's no such thing as an indy to fakie. Just like there's no such thing as a fakie nollie. Just thought I'd be a dick and throw that out there.
  9. Definitely going to make it a point to see you next time I'm back in town.
  10. That bitch ass camera dude should have had that chicks back and smashed that security fag's face in with his board.
  11. There's something about fakie manuals/switch nose manuals that never even came close to working out for me. I've never even been able to get into the shit much less come close to pulling if off.
  12. ^Bitch looks like s manlier version of Ali Boulala.
  13. Sire's my mans and I know for a fact he would lay you the fuck out talkin that gay shit. If you think it's a joke, then try that sideways joke shit to his face and prove me wrong.
  14. Real rap, Sire would break your face if you tried to kick that sideways shit in person.
  15. It's fucking females. They were all skating more or less on Alissa Steamers level. How many female skaters can you name off the top who are any better? And can you switch ollie a 6 stair? Just sayin...
  16. It's fucking females.... the fuck do you expect, hardflip nosegrinds on handrails? :lol: http://www.theberrics.com/dailyops.php I for one can't do a couple of the tricks that some of these broads did.
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