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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. It's not only a fact, the numbers differential are a lot higher than you want to admit. I mean, you have companies running commercials basically bragging that they invented robots that repair robots when the assembly line robots fuck up. So then there goes your whole argument about people having a job to repair the robots, if there's other fucking robots to do it instead. Lemme guess, then the slave labor cotton fields of the southern US did them in? Sherwood forest??? Robin Hood??? 7 Dwarves??? WTF??? Yes you do.
  2. Actually, I'll even take it one step further and say that the computerization the workforce is the 20th and 21st centuries answer to the 19th century's ban on slavery which led to the 20th century's middle class. Certain types of people don't appreciate having to pay fair wages and/or taxes to the society enabled them to become rich in the first place, and just wanna get rich quick and fuck everybody else. You can call this hyperbole, but I call it unregulated capitalism.
  3. And how many jobs is that created -vs- jobs eliminated? The entire point of computerizing the workforce is to save money by eliminating jobs.
  4. I see what you did there, but there are no success stories about people coming to America and working hard picking oranges. Even their kids don't get to go to college, unless they were born here. I don't know about you, but I for one don't know too many people who would consider sacrificing their life to picking oranges for $50 a day to be a success story. Especially the one's who's kids they brought with them are banned from college and just as subject to deportation.
  5. You're confusing hyperbole for Sarcasm. And I stand by my hyperbole, because when it does reach this point they will be laughing at us as we get locked up and sentenced for being jobless. No, it's not bullshit at all. If they can get a robot to look like an actual person, your supermodels will overnight become a thing of the past. Probably your nannies too. Do you really not realize that you just named off the largest portions of what used to be the work force while simultaneously saying that those jobs don't matter? Or are you still stuck on the "everybody can just be a nanny or supermodel" thing? I don't get high. I do drink, but I've been doing so for so long that it's pretty much my normal state. I also have fallen asleep every time I've ever tried to watch the Matrix. Seriously, that movie is fucking boring. So then you agree with me? I thought we were arguing?
  6. I tried calling 411 the other day and after about 5 minutes of repeating myself what city and state over and over again, and then the computer directing me to the private home section after I repeatedly said "business", then repeating over and over again "let me speak to an operator" I finally gave up and had my boy google the shit on his phone. EXPLAIN THAT!
  7. And a lot of places have like 4 self check out lanes open for every 2 actual cashiers.
  8. Actually, what he said is what I've been thinking for a long time. Or at least what a I read between the lines of what he said. Real talk, people are mad as fuck about illegal aliens supposedly "taking our jobs", but how many of these same people are trying to pick oranges or wash dishes for minimum wage? Mexican immigrants are the scapegoat tossed out to distract people from who and what is really taking their jobs. If anything I'm too critical of what I read.
  9. "Baloney. Do our computer pundits lack all common sense? The truth in no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works." LMAO!
  10. The article clearly says not all jobs, but most people are not nannies or supermodels. Are you suggesting that every single average Joe should strive to be a nannie or supermodel? How does that work? Honestly, I just read between the lines. Not saying it's a deliberate evil conspiracy. But with an exploding population plus a dwindling job market, the only logical outcome is higher crime and more laws on the books to feed a booming prison industry. Because something will have to be done with the millions of unemployed "nannies and supermodels" roaming the streets without jobs, homes or any chance of adding any value to society.
  11. Then why you running your mouth already? The nytimes is usually filled with virus's? smh.
  12. *Not sure if I'm one to listen too though, just sayin...
  13. If you drank every night, you wouldn't have this problem.
  14. The powers that be have been laughing at you and planning what to do with us after computers have taken all of our jobs. And I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with just letting us run wild. Hitlers "Jewish question" will now be America's "human question". And if you ain't from money, take a wild guess at where you and your family are going? http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/08/31/who-will-prosper-in-the-new-world/?hp
  15. Huh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCm32cE_XKo
  16. That wouldn't be a scandal though. It's have to be somebody other than his wife.
  17. Somebody needs to suck Obama's dick already so he'll get off his ass and do something about Syria.
  18. I don't know that I've been patching holes in my life by getting hammered. Maybe at one point, but not in the last decade or so. Maybe it's the Irish in me, but I just do it the same as I eat when I'm hungry and drink water when I'm thirsty and sleep when I'm tired. Only beer:30 has always usually been at night for me. I don't think I'm mentally addicted to it like a lot of people. I might be physically, but I haven't been without for a long enough time to find out though hahaha!
  19. I've always done this by doing important things during the day. I've been drinking every night for I'm not even gonna get into how long, but I've always been one to get shit done during the day then wind down with my beers at night.
  20. I must be getting old cause these days I'd much rather watch shit like this than any Lakai or new Plan-B video. Maybe because this type of shit is more on my level than some 20 something roid shooting jock super-kids most of whom would have been too cool to get seen on a skateboard when I was coming up. Or maybe just cause I'm old. Either way, good shit! Oh, and I especially liked that first dude's nod to Mike Carols Questionable part. That guy was probably a sperm swimming in his dad's sack when that shit came out. I like people who know and respect their history.
  21. http://www.spankwire.com/Really-hot-couple-fucking-sucking-and-facial-cumshot/video135885/
  22. WTF are you talking about??? This is Ch0. That orange name is going to your head.
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