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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I'm just sayin I never seen him spaz like that in person. And I used to skate with dude.
  2. I don't know about where you're from but I see random kids popping and catching the cleanest 3 flips on the regular these days. With more style and less effort than back in the day. And that's not even mentioning the shit that goes on in videos by pros. Kids doing 3 flip nose manny's on benches and shit like it's nothing. And video days??? 360 flips were still a new trick back then. Jason Lees 360 flips in 1990 aint got shit on the kids these days bro. Seriously... what the fuck are you talking about??? And dawgs, since you wanna bring "age and experience" into this, I been skating for 19 years. Are you even 19 years old?
  3. I've only ever seen Kerry Getz spaz out like that on video. Dude's pretty chill in real life. It's weird that that's what he's known for.
  4. You're an idiot. Every random 17 year old tightpants-skatefag can 3-flip 100 times better than anybody's 3-flip 10 or more years ago. What the fuck are you talking about?
  5. Oh aight son. I'll stop doing them pronto. And while we're declaring what tricks are dead over the internet, I'll go ahead and declare kickflips played out. So anyone seen doing kickflips and 3-flips after today is officially a kook. Fucking retard. :rolleyes:
  6. Tell me this ramp don't look mad fun!!!
  7. Yo so my homie was telling me about this guy who's apparently the biggest kook in Houston. He's got a 2 foot ramp in his garage and is the king of it. And he only does dork tricks. But he has this GIGANTOR ego and calls himself a "mini ramp pro". He makes movies about himself. He even tried to sue Tony Hawk for "ripping off one of his tricks and ruining his skate career". Did I mention that he had his name legaly changed to "Todd Falcon" in an attempt to be more like Tony Hawk? :biglaugh: Yeah, so my boy told me to go home and google "Todd Falcon". And so I did.:biglaugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUazUvjLIsE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCJEY38htM0 And apparently THIS is what he tried to sue Tony Hawk over, claiming that Hawk pwned his career!!! :lol:
  8. Didn't Lance Mountain once ride for Variflex?
  9. Yes he so fucking did... BANHAMMER!!!
  10. ^Dude's a monster at switch too aparently.
  11. What ever happened to that skater SAD from like LA or some shit? I remember that was his graff name and what he went by in skateboarding. He rode for World or one of them companies I think. He had an interview back in the day talking about how he got shot over graff beef.
  12. I was in some bar in Seatle with some graff homies from there and Gershon Moseley walked in and I was all tripping out like "Yo is that fucking Gershon Mosely?" like a little kid all star struck and shit. Mostly cause I was in a happy drunk mood and the shit just caught me off guard. None of the dudes I was with had any idea who he was. They were like "yeah, that's some skater dude. That guy's always in here."
  13. Holly shit I was so drunk when I typed that shit, I thought yall was talking about Milk skateboards. :lol:
  14. Chapman, Kareem Campbel, Gershon Mosely. Probably more that I don't remember. But I don't remember Jason Lee having anything to do whith Milk Skateboards. And I'm not 100% on Chapman either. And as far as I know, Jeff Tramain was H-street/Plan-B or some shit. But I'm drunk as shit right now and seriously doubt I'm completely on target with much of anything that I said in this post.
  15. Nah, just a drunken typo. *nospellcheckoner->
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