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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. LOL! I guess that sounds about right. I used to have nollie tre flips on lock too but that was about ten years ago. I'll still bust a nice backside flip on the box though. And some 15 year old kid will probably say something to his boy about it not counting cause I deck checked.
  2. Sounds like you just have a beef with your trucks turning good. I love how good these trucks turn. I ride my shit a little on the tight side and it's like the best of both worlds. Tight trucks but still able to turn and carve good like loose trucks. Makes sense you'd go back to Venture though if you don't like your shit to turn good.
  3. Back in the day the whole point of playing skate was to land the trick. Even if it's sloppy, it still counts. Imagine how salty you'd be if you were playing skate and someone busted a trick that you never did before and you were like "fuckit" and went for it anyways and landed it but it was sloppy. Then this douche is all like "nah, nah that don't count cuz. Your toes was hanging off and you tick tacked! You'd be salty as shit, right? If any one of these tightpants faggots tried to tell ME my shit didn't count just cause I sketched I'd jaw the motherfucker and take his board. Word the fuck up.
  4. I feel you. If Indy didn't come out with the new lower/lighter jawns I'd def still be rocking Thunders for life.
  5. FTW!!! [ATTACH]79021.vB[/ATTACH] This is what I'm rocking these days.
  6. You and your homies should have stomped that dipshit the fuck out. Then told him that if he had half a brain and stepped up his parenting game by not let his little 6 year old girl play in traffic like that, then accidents wouldn't happen.
  7. Is that the one where they tried to diss on my boy Carter talking about it was his fault for taking them there cause they got hemmed up or something? Something about it being on a military base and them having to be sneaky and getting popped? If so, I heard something about that. Never had the opportunity to skate a full pipe myself. I doubt I'd be too into it and I'd probably get bored after 5 minutes and just start writing on shit instead of skating. But I'd still be down to skate one just for the experience.
  8. Holly shit you're only 15!?!? I'm old enough to be your pops you little shit! I was in my prime the year you were born, and you're gonna tell ME about the difference between big wheels and small wheels?!?! :lol: DON'T TALK BACK TO YOUR ELDERS!!! :lol:
  9. SSHHHHHHHHTTTT!!!!! [ATTACH]78612.vB[/ATTACH] I said go to your room!!! Don't make me take this belt off!
  10. Who the hell do you think you're talking too??? I been skating probably longer than you've been breathing, Junior. I think I know what the fuck i'm talking about. Wipe the snot off your nose and go to your room. You're grounded.
  11. Dawgs I feel you!!! I don't know what the fuck's the matter with parents these days. Half the time they're standing right there watching their 30 to 40 pound 2 and 3 year olds running around getting in the way, using banks and quarterpipes as sliding boards without a care in the world. Like it's a fucking playground. As if the kids ain't in harms way with a bunch of 150 to 200 pound full grown adults flying around at full speed. WTF???
  12. Alot of shit's easier switch for some reason. At least for me.
  13. Bigger boards and bigger wheels are FOR skating vert. I don't think anybody ballsy enough to step to a mega ramp would do so on a street setup. But you're wrong about it being easier to land shit (street) on bigger boards, because like I said they have a mind of their own. And aren't as willing to do what and land where you tell them too.
  14. Guy's noseslide to crooks on that handrail in the Lakai video was fucking sick. I never seen anybody do that shit on a handrail before.
  15. Yeah but nobody including dressen or even Natas was ollieing as high as kids are nowadays. I feel "outa contlrol" riding dagger boards. Like the board has a mind of it's own and doasn't want to listen to me.
  16. Yo Peyote... this ones for you bro! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7u0wj3z6Ik
  17. That's just cause that shit's just over your head bro. And again, that shit was being done in the early 90's on the reg by like everybody. Nothing new at all.
  18. What do you mean lately? that shit goes back to the early 90's. I used to do nosegrind/lipslide/50-50/lipslide/50-50/frontside shove out in like 91 or 92. :biglaugh:
  19. That's funny cause the highest ollie I ever did was in 1994 and best beleive I was rocking 39's and a 7.5 Powell with the airplane graphic. Also just recently my boy who rocks the 8" boards with ginormous wheels was trying and failing to tailslide this ledge that was about knee high. I told him his wheels are too big (like I always do, just clownin and shit) and told him to try it on my board. He did that shit like every try on my board then went back to his and still couldn't do it even once.:lol: It's just logic bro. How you gonna pop something that weighs twice as much that you have to kick down twice as far before the tail hits the ground as high as a regular board? And why you think boards have evolved to what they are today? Come on now. And FYI, 55's are on some "hippy shit". :lol:
  20. I'm talking about style and cleanliness you fucking dipshit. You'd rather watch Video Days out of some false sense of nostalgia. Video Days was fucking sick when it came out, and anyone who was around back then could fully apreciate the nostalgia of watching it again after all these years. But dawgs... you were probably sucking on your moms tit when that video came out. You're no different than the dudes in the mid 90's who grew dreadlocks and started rocking dagger boards and Animal Chin shirts and doing bonelesses and shit all fronting like they're oldschool all of a sudden. But hey, not hating on you at all just sayin.
  21. Actually in Jason Lee's era it was still fish tails, small noses, and steep concave. And steep concave is just a gimmic. You can totally pop higher on flatter, smaller lighter boards than on some tank board with giant wheels and steep ass concave. That's just a fact. Not even up for debate. And LMAO at you thinking we were only skating curbs in the 90's. :lol:
  22. I was in no way shape or form hating on Jason Lee. At all. Just sayin that nobody back then had 360 flips as good as heads are doing them nowadays. But that's just a givein. Jason Lee was fucking dope back then.
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