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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I'm from the east coast and I've been rocking 50's for mad long. So do most street skaters from round my way.
  2. Tic-tac wheels would be the 38's we all used to rock from 1992-1994. 50's are perfect. 54's are way too big.
  3. Word the fuck up. Apparently I've given out too much props in the past 24 hours. I'll get you later.
  4. You don't even know what you're talking about. Baggy pants started with skateboarders. For a reason. Because it's easier to skate when you don't have fabric squeezing your legs and preventing you from being able to fully bend your legs. And I can run just fine in baggy pants for that exact reason. And because I wear a belt like most people who wear baggy pants. Tight pants not only makes it harder to skate, but where the fuck do yo fags put your wallet, keys, cellphone, whatever else that usually goes in your pockets when your pants are so fucking tight that there aint room for shit? But all that aside. What it really boils down to is the fact that you kids look like flaming FAGS in your tight pants.
  5. I'm thinking you are. You might want to question your sexuality.
  6. ^Well that's what's up I guess. I'm rocking these Plan-B wheels right now that are the truth.
  7. Spitfires always flatspot to easily. And unevenly wear. In like a month one wheels all coned and smaller than the rest. I never understood why they've always been so popular.
  8. Tight pants are for chicks and fags. True story.
  9. I've been rocking 50's forever cause it's a perfect size. Big wheels are fucking lame.
  10. As for BMXers, yall just gotta regulate. We used to chase them out of Love Park all the time. Even got into a couple rumbles over it. They destroy alot of dope spots and leave them unskateable.
  11. I'd love to see new footage. Wonder if dude still rips.
  12. What's good with SW? Is it fucking up for everybody else too?
  13. Awesome. Thanks for the info. Definitely will keep.
  14. Yo Celt, since you're the closest thing we have to a historian on here I thought I'd ask what you thought of this. I found it on my block sitting on top of some bags on trash night years ago. I just figured it was some bananaboard toy but kept it anyways like a novelty or whatever. Some oldhead was at my house one day and told me that it was actually a legit setup from back in the day. I'm guessing that his back in the day was like the late 60s or early 70's. So yeah, is this really a legit setup or just some bullshit bannana board like I origionally thought?
  15. Who else thinks this dipshit should be banned?
  16. Haslam could skate butt ass naked or in a fucking suit and tie if he wants too. How the fuck does that take away from the fact that he is 1,000,000,000 times beter at skateboarding than you could ever dream of being? You're a fucking clown, homie. You's a herb. A noodle. You aint shit to be talking yap about anybody. Cause if you were shit, you'd have a fucking life and wouldn't be worried about hating on someone like Haslam. "Dork tricks"??? Let me see you pull one of these "dork tricks" on your own! Film that shit and put it on youtube and show us who the fuck YOU are to be talking shit. Fucking noodle.
  17. Anyone hating on Haslam is a fucking idiot.
  18. Nah, not small. I get in alot of fights and can hold my own. But we're talking about dudes like Mumford and Clyde Singleton. I'm not gonna pretend to be confident about winning that one. Then again they were both a long time ago and I was a lot skinnier back then. So maybe I'd be a little more confident these days. Either way, neither one of them woulda got away with chumping me without taking something or another across the dome.
  19. ^I also almost got into it with Clyde Singleton once. He yelled at me for getting in his way. I was like "my bad" and he was like "watch were the fuck you're going!". I was like "eat a dick, faggot!" all ready to whack him with my board. He just mumbled some shit and skated off. He probably woulda destroyed me too though. :biglaugh:
  20. I almost fought Mumford when he came to Philly. He had the balls to tell me to stop skating while he was trying to film a trick. I wasn't even in his way, not even in the background of his flick. He said the noise of me and my boy skating was distracting him from landing his trick. I told him to fuck off and to go back to Australia with that shit and reminded him that the only reason we were even at that spot was cause all of center city (down town) was heated due to him and his boys from the X-games being in town. His peeps that he was with (most of whom knew me) told him to let it go. I had my hand on my brass knuckles. I'm sure he would have destroyed me though.
  21. I'm old and fat and suck nowadays. But I can still hold my own in certain areas. I don't know about driving to Arizona though.
  22. Hahahahaah!!!! Cosign. Took the words right out my mouth. I actually called him on the same shit a couple months back. :lol:
  23. ^Stupidest comment ever. Even stupider than the kid that called Vallely a fag.
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