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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Fucking christ this thread went to shit. Glad to see my little sis Madam shitting on this entire page. That's definitely a bonus. RIP Ideo. RIP Baelo RIP Corey RIP too many
  2. Real shit, that's probably as far as I'm gonna read through this thread. I might pop in here a year or two from now when I'm bored and have the time to waste. Who knows.
  3. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/evograms_03
  4. ^I like these words. The main thing I'm worried about that might contradict these words though is the link between aluminum and Alzheimer's. Being as I'm sure I'm far from the only drunkard who consumes most of his alcohol from aluminum cans, and that amounts to a shit load of aluminum cans. I've recently switched to bottles only but I'm worried about the decade or so of aluminum cans that I've swilled from.
  5. I love it the most when it's some random newjack to Ch0 who decides to chime in like he's in the know or some shit. That's always the best. Extra chromosome. Dumbass probably thinks that's really me too. :biglaugh:
  6. I'm very pro gun rights. And pro having the right to shoot cops in the face. I just don't like misleading statistics that deliberately leaves out the fact that probably most of these "self defense shootings" are the police murdering a lot of unarmed people.
  7. Yeah, but what percentage of these "self defense shootings" are really just cops unloading on unarmed people and and claiming "I thought he had a weapon, I was in fear for my life"?
  8. I've been commenting on this thread since before this incarnation of this thread even existed. I've been calling dudes out for posting dimes in this thread the same as I'm calling you out for calling smash on gross bitches. If my wife was fat you wouldn't be trying to throw that in my face as an insult, you'd be jacking your pathetic dick at the thought of her. But she's definitely not, so you can put your dick away. Or at least redirect your attention to that beast that you were jacking off to before my comments.
  9. The fuck??? She's already a fat beast!!! This shit is turning into the Channel Zero version of the "handstyles", Straightletters", "Bathrooms" etc threads in Brickslayers. Some of yall niggas will stick your dick in a fucking rats nest in hopes of something licking it.
  10. Back in the good old days when it was still legal and socially acceptable to smash 16 year olds.
  11. Why does this look like a model train set?
  12. Fucking christ, Mero gotta be like the 17th motherfucker I know in real life who went on to be famous for one thing or another. I just pulled that number out my ass, but it's probably close to accurate.
  13. If you'd so willingly call smash on that wildabeast, there's nothing in this entire thread that should qualify as "questionable" in your book. Sure, guy. Like anybody would give up a pic of their wife to the Ch0 peanut gallery. Yall would just love that. :lol:
  14. There is a seriously large gap between models, and hags who have not one single physical quality that would excuse you even drunkenly dipping your dick in.
  15. Also while you're at it, find one post where I ever said that I like anything up my ass.
  16. Nothing funny here, feel free to pull my card all you want. Normally I'm the dude calling foul on dude's posting 8's and 9's in this thread. Dude's calling 2 on that beast in question are being generous as fuck cause in my book she's closer to a 0. But like I said though, feel free to go scrolling through this thread and find any bitch I ever called smash on and put her up against your disgusting wildabeast there.
  17. I wouldn't even let my dick drunkenly slip and fall into her mouth at my most shit-faced. Rosey palm over that wildabeast all day. Some of you's are some desperate motherfuckers. At least you's are keeping it real though. :yuck:
  18. ^Why you keep posting under fake screen names pretending like it's not you, Drue? Everybody knows it's you, Drue.
  19. Nah, her tits are fugly as fuck too. Did you and Cunt both miss this part?
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