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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I once blacked out and came to in the middle of a 3-way with these two chicks. Last thing I remembered was drinking rum with them and some homies in this park, next thing I know I’m in one of them’s apt with them both spread out in front of me taking turns munching their boxes. 😆
  2. The only motherfucker in that whole thread who apparently does wipe his ass correctly. All yall the ones rockin the dookie stains. 💯
  3. Every time I try to copy paste a YouTube vid in a comment, when I hit “paste” nothing happens. Is it cause I’m considered noob status for some reason? And WTF is up with that?
  4. Nah, you probably got a skunked batch. Either that, or you fucked up and got the Pilsner instead of the lager.
  5. Nah, that’s a photo of you that Vaj sent me for a laugh back when it was my turn. 😆
  6. The ones being pushed down the page are the ones that haven’t been commented in. Do you like re-reading what you’ve already seen? It’s not like 12oz is popping and you gotta go digging to find threads. It’s like 5 people even coming here anymore. 😆
  7. LOLWUT???? Tell me your pops molested you and you liked it without telling me your pops molested you and you liked it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. The very fact that you think getting vaxed against a virus is “pro government” is indicative of your pro government brainwashing. You’re not antigovernment, you’re not anarchists, you’re just a run of the mill, carbon copy Republican propaganda brainwash victim. Fox News Koolaid drinking, cult45 worshipping sheep. You’re not antigovernment, you’re pro government just as long as it’s team R. And if team R was telling you “vaccine good. Get shot”, you’d have long since done what your puppet masters on Fox News told you without a second thought.
  9. LOL you called him Antifa supporter like there’s something wrong with that. Antifa literally means Antifacist . If you’re anti-Antifa, that means you’re pro fascism, you fucking monkey.
  10. I’m thinking you’re the one with retarded level reading comprehension, being as his threat was in response to Casek’s threat. You just called me a potato head looking motherfucker when you actually have no clue what I even look like. Yet another sign of mental retardation. You’re the one who said you don’t know who I am, even though you should remember me shitting on you on here years ago. Then again, you’re retarded, so…
  11. Holy fuck, I been gone way too long and apparently missed out on everything. 😆
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