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Everything posted by RELAPSER

  1. first or second roll of black and white, dont remember which one this was from, but i'm still getting used to shooting manual and with an actual slr
  2. ^^^^ i love how that fool did scantron bombs.
  3. isn't alert in new zealand though?


    sheeit, 5'10 like 180, i need to stop drinking and bike more.
  5. definitely one of my favorite books as a kid.
  6. i want to get in on this, when's she on?
  7. i aint on no beverly hills shit.
  8. thanks for the tip, i'm going to have to keep it pretty low because i'm just there for the night.
  9. okay, but seriously. i'm going to be outside of austin in roundrock tomorrow evening, and i'm down to chill and paint or whatever, so pm me if you want to do something and let's get something rollin.
  10. haha exactly. its only good for pouring shit up hella dirty.
  11. it's all about these. when i'm rollin on the high hog: not so hot, when i'm broke: i cant find a picture, but i'm sure most of ya'll are familiar with takka.
  12. buy paint? the fuck you talkin about? but i'll probably have a few cans with me, long as i can pick up my shit from my friends house.
  13. ^^^^ sounds like yer her "other guy".
  14. tomorrow. well not really austin, round rock, but close enough. who wants to paint tomorrow night?
  15. Re: Great Pictures~ red hot chili peppers smashing pumpkins ramones the eagles
  16. i wasn't really sure where to ask this, so i'm going to do it here. i'm getting back into painting and i'm having trouble getting all my colors where i want them to be, are there any tips to color theory and just getting everything to match up the way i have it planned out in my head other than just fucking around with it until i get it to work? i'm sure there have to be some tips ya'll have picked up along your way that you could pass on.
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