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Everything posted by NerdUnit

  1. NerdUnit


    iloveboxcars Yo that is a crazy knife. Is your friend a super villian? Ha ha. That reminds me of the home shopping network shit when they have the super knife sets with all kinds of nutso fantasy weapons. Like D & D stuff. They call them bowie knives but there fucking short swords with spikes and shit. Like 25 of them for 120 bucks.
  2. NerdUnit


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ha ha ha that was good!
  3. NerdUnit


    So you are saying you rode to meet them ?miles and then were doing 20 miles to somewhere only to return another 20 plus the ?miles home? If that is the case I think you stepped in on a ride with some experienced dudes. Ask your shop when they have an easy ride or where to find a group ride that is just doing miles at a moderate pace. Roll with them and learn how to stay in the draft and ride with a pack. Ask questions and don't feel stupid. People will respect you for recognizing the need for cooperation and safety. That's a good start 13 out of 20. Don't be discouraged. I got smoked my first group ride and I though I was in shape from doing the delivery thing at the time. Wrong! Ha ha. Right now I'd cry if I got dropped on the same ride. That's why I'm gonna go enjoy the temprature climbing to the mid 40's today.
  4. I wasn't interested in that stuff at first but the Psycho-Love stories pulled me in everytime. Then I notced Bates posts something almost every day which is real cool. Ket I like and Uncle Geez has interesting stuff too. Grotesk is cool with the design and seeing his appreciation for graff world is fresh. Mare has it going on as well. I would like to add to earl broclo ESQ's request on Brazil and think Mr. rocinhajj is a good choice. He's got some amazing threads already and is using art and music to help make other peoples lives better. I think he would make good use of the opportunity. Put that man on the front page and not down in the bottom corner either. I think the top row needs a shake up anyways. That's some prime real estate in the top two rows. Ha ha. So yeah I like the blogs.
  5. Whoa! Crazy story. Glad you and the little one are okay.
  6. NerdUnit


    Yo it's funny how some things should stay nice and clean and others should be messed up proving how down you are. Like sneakers. No one wants to have sneakers all fucked up. But having a crisp clean bag is the kiss of death ha ha. Fuck that I wish I could get the stains out of my Pac bag. Every once and a while I get some jackass throwing me dirty looks as if I'm faking it. In reality I have the nicer bike, bag and dispossition and can't be bothered but d00ds always try to out messenger me especially the un-messengers. Those doods are 7up the un-cola. I can see right through them.
  7. Wow! Some of you guys have a lot of points. I only have 3. But it was for a joke so it's cool by me. Oh shit Cheers is on. Word. Whoaa! With Coach too.
  8. Yo what is the deal with the foot. Any word? & Nice X-ray boobs. You also have lovely vertebrae.
  9. What do you mean? That would make for an efficient morning routine. You could prepare the mornings meal while you get rid of last nights. At least get the coffee started! Ha ha. Looks like industrial/loft space. No big deal.
  10. NerdUnit


    whoiseuth: It's funny you say that. I was thinking of pulling mine out tomorrow morning. I suggest Craiglist. I have always found decent stuff that way. People always buy trainers find it boring and sell them. I got one for like $50. Nothing special but accomplishes the task. Yeah buy a cheap tire for the back wheel. You wreck nice tires on trainers cause they heat up way more than on the road. Good luck. Stay warm.
  11. I don't know why you're hating winter. It seems you've got it beat!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha! But seriously kids. Exposure builds resistence. If you don't like the cold though it's tough to acclamate. I will say it is always easier to put more clothes on to stay warm. When it's really hot out you just can't escape the heat no matter how many layers you remove. I like autum the best. Hoodies and brisk crisp air. Wonderful.
  12. Hey that reminds me. What ever happened to AyeBees Wendy's burger challenge? Wasn't he supposed to eat like 20 of those things? I didn't think that would happen.
  13. Happy B-day. When you lighten the load you make room for the type of people who should be your friends. The roster will fill out again but with quality. Mmmmmm. Crippling brownies.
  14. Ha Womphead got in there before me. Oooops! Ha ha. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sounds like someone has a case of the I don't know hows. Unless you are referring to all the super gangster rap rich kids who "hold it down" fresh style on the slopes dood. Ha ha. Now talk about a wack image scene. Snowboarding got confused somewhere along the way. Fools act like skiers with the fashion and money attitudes. But want to bring it a real and street. 50 foot cliff jump shit is gangster. I don't know why one has to act like 50 cent to back it up though.
  15. Yeah I skated today and it was in the 30's. My pants fit too. Now we're supposed to get bad weather. I have a parking garage around the corner. I don't know how dry it will be though. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  16. Ha ha ha ha. You guys named half my pants from back then! New Deal - mustard, red-orange and light green Blind - purple and dark green Oh man busted...! Yeah they were all boat sails too. HA HA! Pants talk!
  17. Ha ha ha ha! Oontz day! Hey happy birfday man. Keep on mixing the beats up. Peace out.
  18. NerdUnit


    Ha ha. The riser bars on a track bike is good for work. That was real big in Boston a long time ago and I never really saw couriers rock it when I did alley cats in other places at the time. You can stack two copy boxes no problem and they stay put. Can't do that with track drops. Road bars yes and bullhorns work good too. But I have to say you can really whip a track bike around with the extra leverage from the riser bar. Comfy too. Nice to change it up once and a while. But the aero wheel is just stupid. At that point you should be in a skinsuit and drip helmet. Not xxxl Carharts and 3 hooded sweatshirts. Ha ha. I have to say a rationally built bike that is practical and properly maintained always gets top marks in my book. Doesn't have to be all top shelf components either. Hey like Tony form New York says "you wear it like it's official" SO roll with what you got but... "Keep it official"
  19. Re: 12OZ CRIBS - April 2007 edition (aka ABC & rental's new pad edition) Ha ha ha! Yeah I think Some super Shady van lord had the mad "Shady Dudes in a Van" franchise going because my room-mate had a pair in college and I've known other people who went to school in other states to buy the van speakers.
  20. Yeah that other cop flipped out on the brownies. Remember that shit. Hahaha.
  21. ! 2789 ! Yo man I've seen a lot of murals on all scales and I have to say you guys executed the midwife wall very nicely. Good concept, good colors and most importantly you gave them what they wanted. You and your boy are doing some pro art. That's a whole 'nother level of wall work and professionalism most can't step to. That's not to take anything away from Dawood's work either. Signage is not easy to do properly but when you nail a system it becomes a bit quicker to exectute. Dawood this is a great thread and props for starting it. I like the people on here who have something to share aside from put-downs and insecurities. One thing most writers never want to do is extend the hand and help others get the leg up. Thank you for demonstrating that offering help or needing it isn't weak. I think many kids in graff world don't see that. Peace.
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