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Everything posted by NerdUnit

  1. NerdUnit


    SO it snowed again and now it's throwing freezing rain on top for the rest of the day. Which brought me to this YouTube find. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKaR5nJg-qo&feature=related The bike just won't cooperate. Good for a few laughs.
  2. NerdUnit


    CRUSTY MIKE eggs are easy. You just pay attention once and then you have the timing down. I do up the egg and cheese sandwich every morning and I flip that shit. Electric stove no problem. I prefer gas but not an option. After you flip it leave it on for half the time the first side took. Easy. Oh yeah butter the pan. but der you know that much...right. Ha ha. j/k.
  3. NerdUnit

    its 1:57

    Oh, big doobiemanoner.
  4. Yo those are some cool records. I like your display shelf. Very nice. The photo with the etched record was nice with the vinyl stack on the floor and the Vestax to the right. Good stuff.
  5. You don't sound very motivated. The snow does suck but other than that man there's shit out there to skate. All my old spots are gone but I've been finding all kinds of fun little shit here and there to skate for a bit. It's more like a to b destination skating. Find cool shit between the spots you know about. You gotta keep your eyes peeled and have your imagination on.
  6. I think they're just jealous you're chewing with real teeth! Ha ha ha. You're bored at the airport still huh. the crooked.
  7. Are you serious? Close this shit.
  8. Have a happy birthday Mr. SneakandCreep.
  9. Yo crazy birthdays lately. Happy birfday BruceLeroy. Have yourself a nice time.
  10. Ha ha ha that shit is hilarious. I'm giving out props for that gem right there.
  11. That's good now it's out of the way. At least you're not writing at the airport while your shit is cancled and you are trapped. Logan sucks. Sorry bout the weather. makes you feel any better I have to ride across town to drop off a tripod I forgot to deliver in the morning when it was nice and clear out. Boooooooooo!
  12. If anyone can be a pro with a perscription than WTF is the point. There is none. I see what you are saying but the idea behind competition is you bring what you have to the table and do your best. When you start taking substances that alter you body chemistry to get a better performance now it's not competing it's cheating and stealing. All that money dude is generating would have been out of his reach without chemical help. It's not enough for this guy to be blessed enough to make it there in the first place but he's gotta get Greedy and sneaky. Fuck That. I don't even like baseball but I can't stand the weak fuckers who cheat. Punks can't face up to who they really are and what they do and do not possess.
  13. Yo happy birthday and many mores.
  14. NerdUnit


    Oh that's a nice track bike out of the box. I bet they don't sell many track bikes up in Buffalo. I smell winter deal. Seasonal bike shop wants to move inventory, even if they sell skis. I bet you can get some shit thrown in. You're doing them a favor at this time of year with a bike like that. My guess is they sell lots of MNT bikes. Regardless this is the time of year to grab a deal on a bike if the size is right. Goodluck and get a brake put on that Sputnik.
  15. NerdUnit


    Word up. Glad to help. I see Buffalo. I bet you're getting a deal on last years model. Hey thanks for the propsing.
  16. Wow you guys are ruthless! But with a name like dirtybecca teh-n00dz should be par for the course.
  17. NerdUnit


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Check it out. I worked at 2 shops that carried Jamis. That's a good brand to buy. They make a nice frame but where you do well is with the parts package. Jamis offers really good value for the $ you spend. A comprable brand at the same price point will have lower quality parts throughout. So you pay for the name and frame with the competion. Jamis is good on the warranty end of shit as well. Smart buy.
  18. Oh shit I just missed your post last night. Thanks for the final installment. A fun way to get my day going. I want to go write on things now! Ha ha.
  19. NerdUnit


    So I was walking the lady to her office this morning and I found a bike. Needs a little help but that is no problem. Better yet the lady's brother needs a bike so there it is. An old Univerga like early 80's or late 70's with a taco'ed rear wheel and all done derailure. I can clear out some more clutter fixing this shit up. Nice. We were gonna buy him one to fix up but now we can save the $ for shipping to South America and couple of tools. This thing should last him a very long time. Anyone run across randon free bikes? I guess it helps I live in a college town.
  20. Bojangles: I've read the chapters you posted and enjoyed it. I like how it's simple and to the point. Easy to read and leaves me wanting more. I'll be buying your book with the holiday $ for sure. Thanks for living an interesting story. And writing about it!
  21. NerdUnit


    I think it's cool considering the guy who started the thread has an anarchy symbol on his desk! Ha ha.
  22. NerdUnit


    iloveboxcars Yo that is a crazy knife. Is your friend a super villian? Ha ha. That reminds me of the home shopping network shit when they have the super knife sets with all kinds of nutso fantasy weapons. Like D & D stuff. They call them bowie knives but there fucking short swords with spikes and shit. Like 25 of them for 120 bucks.
  23. NerdUnit


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ha ha ha that was good!
  24. NerdUnit


    So you are saying you rode to meet them ?miles and then were doing 20 miles to somewhere only to return another 20 plus the ?miles home? If that is the case I think you stepped in on a ride with some experienced dudes. Ask your shop when they have an easy ride or where to find a group ride that is just doing miles at a moderate pace. Roll with them and learn how to stay in the draft and ride with a pack. Ask questions and don't feel stupid. People will respect you for recognizing the need for cooperation and safety. That's a good start 13 out of 20. Don't be discouraged. I got smoked my first group ride and I though I was in shape from doing the delivery thing at the time. Wrong! Ha ha. Right now I'd cry if I got dropped on the same ride. That's why I'm gonna go enjoy the temprature climbing to the mid 40's today.
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