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Everything posted by NerdUnit

  1. HA!!!!!!! YOU are not very quick Mr. You knew of the camera. You know a guy who works there. But you got up anyway...? You deserve to be caught for putting a buddy in the fucked up position of having his job leveraged against him for YOUR info. Then you get all taped up there making it even easier for management to put buddies nuts in a vise. AND you Want Retaliation for putting dude in a bad position(which you term snitching). You gonna pay his rent get him another job? You are responsible for your stupid antics. Get mad at yourself BOZO. A lot of fools on here throw that snitching shit around like it's some blanket excuse for your fucked up situations. Fuck that.
  2. NERONEZ: Man, rule one is - Keep your head straight when you're getting up. Solution to your current problem. March down there paint over the shit. Boom! Gone. What fucking problem. Solution to future problems. Leave the mop at home when you get drunk. OR. Tighten up your operation and implement graffiti stealth tactics. Which leads me right back to the above statement.(this would be a good flow chart, I can't get that thread out of my mind) One other thought. Someone in your story is untrustworthy. Since there were only two people in your tale I'm assuming you can't keep secrets when drinking. You left there and someone knew you wrote. Or... You need new/no friends. Goodluck with the buff mission. Shit, you should buff it and hang a painting over the spot. Ha! Much confusion.
  3. NerdUnit

    The Bet

    WHHOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Running through! Oh man that is horrible! Sitting on the toilet with a tray of hamburgers. Yikes! If this bet was in California you could make a good in and out joke right there.
  4. NerdUnit


    HESHIANDET: Guerciotti is a very nice bicycle, especially for cyclocross. They actually made their name on cyclo cross bikes. Many Italian Cyclocross Championships and World Championships have been won on that marque. You don't see many in the states because of a lack of solid disrtibution. My guess is that particular rep is an independent and payed for those frames himself. Some guys working with the smaller brands will do that as they are not part of some enormous corporate machine. The inventory is their's and they hustle to turn it over to get next years shit or the $ back. Last year the Orbea rep was selling a couple of cross frames at the races. Same kind of thing. So yes buy those nice Italian made frames. Don't buy your road size though. Go one smaller. Goodluck.
  5. NerdUnit


    rubbish heap two no worries on the rim. Just cover it with rim tape as you plan and it will be ok. Keep riding.
  6. The one time I went they put me in the "D" pool after seeing all the graff cases I had. So they marched us around some rooms and the lawyers only chose people out of the "A" pool, as they were nice upstanding citizens. Some guy from Patty's Pantry showed up with donuts and I had one. Half my day for a donut. So if you have been arrested no one wants to know what you think about anything in court.
  7. Re: award for coolest ad ever (even if you dont like me or my posts you should check this Hey Boogie Hands If you live near there then you must know about that crazy pinball machine in the Tip Top. The original Bally future spa one. Shit is tight. I took pictures of that wall too. Jungle Green! Almost. Cool post.
  8. NerdUnit


    rubbish heap two: a light wheel that is stiff but not super aero will still make a very large improvement and it will do it at a much nicer price point. Rotational mass is the enemy as much as aerodynamics. Check out Mavic's Kysirium line up. Even a handbuilt wheelset with nice components can be very light and surprisingly stiff without being fatiguing and overly rigid. I don't know what kind of racing you will be doing but a modest ($475-875) invesment in an all around wheelset will save more cash for other items. When you buy racing wheels (Zipps or equivalent) keep in mind they only go on for race day or a very competetive training race (maybe). You have to be competing for points at a high level to plunk for 35 or 40 rides a season. I just jumped in here so I'm not trying to be discouraging, I have a room full of road and cross equipment myself. My budget is not huge so I spend wisely. I used to work at a shop so I have a pretty good knowledge of the equipment vs. cost vs. gain in performance ratio. The biggest difference you can make...Put in the work but do it intelligently and listen to your body. In the spring you'll be killing fools. Oh and go watch some cross races if you can't get into one. They keep you excited about racing in the off season. That was my very long winded two cents.
  9. NerdUnit


    Helmets: Yeah anyone who says helmets are uncool or stupid can have fun getting spoon fed for the rest of their life. A buddy of mine was involved in a low speed accident WAY under 10 mph hits his head against the car causing the incident and lost the hearing in one ear. Permanently fucked will never be the same. A helmet would have given him just a little bit of material to shield his ear from the direct impact. The real tragedy in this is he is a musician and very good one too. As if life isn't difficult enough he has had to learn how to work around his limitation now. So imagine what can happen at 20, 30 or 40 mph when your head hits the pavement, a quarter panel or goes through a window. For all you peeps out there who think they're hot shit on two wheels that's cool - What you always have to assume is everyone else has their head up their ass. Bicycles are only fun if you can ride them. Be careful.
  10. No uploads. All Vinyl in the collection. Early 94 - 95 shit. Nice slice of Relief trax too.
  11. The UC is good early 90' hard house. I have a chunk of that. It did get real repetitive though. You like the Acid? Chris Liberator D.A.V.E. the Drummer Trak-One Night In Hackney I saw Omar Santan back there too. Who knows what influential breaking crew he was the DJ for? The hip hop heads always get bummed when they find out alot of Techno DJ's started in the graff hiphop scene in the 80's. Sorry guys.
  12. Glik0: You know someone ALWAYS has to be a problem at shows! I guess the spotlight just gets changed every once and a while. PLEZO1SON: Have fun "decyphering" a beatdown video.
  13. I went to all the shows in the early 90's and never even saw nazi's. Do you mean the late 80's. FSU caused so much trouble at shows I stopped going around 92' or 93'. Mad people got hem'd up just for being there. Lame.
  14. I missed out on the nazi's but not the FSU. Very shitty people.
  15. New wave or old what is the difference? It's all the same whack bullshit. Peebrained animals ruining other peoples good time.
  16. NerdUnit


    That is an old Ti frame. Early 90's hence the 1' steel threaded fork. Very nice in it's day and still is. The funky downtube was due to the limited availibility of Ti tubing commercially so larger diameters were not being produced. They used two smaller ones to stiffen it up, obviously. Early Ti was small diameter and there were many different qualities. That was what set different Ti bikes apart, the blend of alloys and the wall thickness. Even now not all Ti bikes are equal. Light they may be but stiffness and ride quality are factors that can vary widely. Bad news about the Colnago Bi-Ti is they were known to crack at the BB shell. Doesn't mean there aren't plenty of miles in it though. The other benefit of Ti is the ability to repair it. If it ever does crack I know a guy who can fix it. Cool collectors item for sure. A very nice footnote in the evolution of road machines.
  17. 5 and a half minutes = short changed
  18. Go check out the ICA. Look at aht in their new building. Downtown crossing has some okay sneaker spots. Finagle a Bagel has these triple chocolate chip bagels that are really good. North End for slices at Ernesto's Old World Pizza. That is really good.
  19. NerdUnit


    You don't want that.The brake levers aren't even positioned correctly. Throw that jpg away.
  20. NerdUnit

    Head On!

    Wow, this thread is still going and I'm still laughing at it. Bravo Ch. Zero Heads.
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