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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Detroit by the numbers 411 homicides in 2012 58 minutes for police to respond to calls, compared to 11 mins nationwide Only one third of the city's ambulances work 40 per cent of the city's streetlights don't work 78,000 abandoned buildings Population down from 1.8 million in 1950 to 685,000 today Debt of $US18.5 billion
  2. Dear Buck Duttah, Just pick up where you left up, mate. Not that much has changed. Cheers, thepro
  3. Just double taking at who wrote it. Haha.
  4. False. TPBM likes solid traditional names.
  5. Where did they take the photo from, yo? Dope status certified either way.
  6. Cheers guys. DOPE effort, Shittles. Awesome news, mate!
  7. True. I think he meant cousins though. TPBM think these Waterman's used to be better.
  8. Haha, it's an important step to take in life. How did it go?
  9. Stop watching porn on your computer, and get some spectacles.
  10. Not that difficult to see it's an 'H' Fuckin' idiot.
  11. False. Ringo would never have gone with it. TPBM thinks chainsaw work while it's raining is sketchy as hell.
  12. I feel like you need to strengthen the upright on your 'K', Trike. Strong bars, but they are starting to look like 'M's'.
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