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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm just enjoying the fact the greatest thing Obama ever said, was something someone else said years earlier. Go team!
  2. F for Family is about as far into Bill Burr as I can get. Dude annoys the fuck out of me most of the time.
  3. Will Trump calling the protesters in Charlottesville violent an bad produce anything healthy or will people keep screeching Nazi apologists? It's like nobody is grown up enough to talk about ugly stuff.
  4. Until both sides see their own faults and own them for what they are, this will escalate and alienate. Forcing people to further stances simply to reject the stance of their perceived opposition. Sad.
  5. Completely dependent on who he has on. 90% seem to be dead shit boring. Imo
  6. I hold a small amount of crypto. Wild ride.
  7. Hi Instagram, Pls stick to boobs, graffiti and cute dog memes Cheers, TheP
  8. I will put my hand up and say until listening to Shapiro this morning I was confused about exactly what the alt right is. I thought it was hardcore conservative constitutionalism. I can admit when I'm wrong that's what makes me great.
  9. Also, by the by, what do you consider the alt right to be, OMB?
  10. While I know you're joking, this forum is privately owned.
  11. It's just constant hypocrisy. I can't keep up. I see you can't sell boys and girls shoes now without being labelled sexist, bloody Clark's should know better than selling shoes specifically for one gender. I'm overwhelmed. Even those bastard right wing pigs at the New York Times... Wait what? http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=57185 Forgive the source.
  12. Yes some of what is played on the news these days would get you banned from internet forums not very long ago. We banned people here for similar shit.
  13. Some nice catches there thanks for posting
  14. It's on Not bad Aussie podcast
  15. But the aclu has protected the rights of violent groups like antifa. So it's not that grey from over here. We know where antifa protest businesses are damaged and people are assaulted.
  16. The extreme of anything idealogicall is quite often bat shit crazy and irrational. That's why they are called extremists. Isn't labelling an entire gender and race by the actions of the extreme few amongst, literally the exact thing these people are often vocally opposing. And yeah they don't get that you can't have it both ways. Division continues. I really feel for the situation, listening to the stuff on ESPN about Kaperniki sp?.. You can't even watch football any more without taking a political stance. If that happens to the AFL what will come of my innocent Port Power?
  17. theprotester


    The gel lytes are killer Asics are irrationally expensive in Oz so I haven't copped many. These arrived
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