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twinky the kid

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Everything posted by twinky the kid

  1. who the fuck cares, you gotta take em out 'fore they hit you in a buick...
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread yeah that dudes the devil, for sure..
  3. same place you get all that other shit that makes you look like a toy...
  4. yeah that name is hella gay, so is the band beeland...
  5. god i hate faggots like that asshole, where does this kid hail, if hes close i will put in an effort to find him and fuck his shit up.
  6. Re: I'm With Busey dude that show was hella gay
  7. when the fuck did my dad get a myspace?!
  8. not getting raped for dummies! oh im just kidding... id take superfudge or some transformer comics... you should be able to teach some supertard to read in exchange for some smokes...
  9. i wouldnt paint your own shoes and wear em, makes you look like a toy... oh wait..
  10. i dunno the white jeans are just like, fuck, you know? just dont make them skin tight...
  11. you look like tool in those fucking pants...
  12. fuck it this is closed. im not posting pictures of my cousin. i dont even have any...
  13. heh? incest dreamers? from what i hear like 1 out of 3 people has had like a weird fantasy or dream about a relitive..
  14. yeah so i have a pretty attractive cousin (dont we all?) ive always maintained my self control by remembering: shes my cousin, follwed by a thought of a naked fat chick, just to kill futher possible cousin related thoughts... anyways, last night i had a dream where i boned my cousin...yeah i know wtf... ive been freaked out all day... have any of you guys/girls had one of these dreams too? do i need help? btw were not crazy rednecks, were not even white...
  15. bump mr GNES and senior DOSER!
  16. my friend told me once that if you hold your crap in for a month you'd lose four pounds, i tried it, turns out he lyed and i ended up with a two week old piece of shit that had gathered to be so big hat it couldnt come out..i never felt pain like that in my life...good god...
  17. Re: Who has a pit bull? a pitbull killed my little brother...
  18. i like the voltron sketch they did....YOU GOT SERVED!
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