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twinky the kid

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Everything posted by twinky the kid

  1. its been a while since ive made a thread. this thread will fail. but i decided to bring up the idea of detachment from reality and how things are layers and layers and colors and colors. they way actions and emotions are read and absorbed by the surrounding of you and the inner thoughts of immobile animate things. the way your vision burns your eyes on days that you never want to end, thunderstorms and radiation. just like how cigarettes last longer in colder weather and how they taste better when theyve been in the sun. the joys of childish actions and consequence. bad grammer, awkward gazes from strangers, forced love and other drinkable keepsakes. discuss. this should be good.
  2. well i have sixty bucks to my name, so im trashin it up for the rapture. rape shall ensue.
  3. this thread slightly restores my faith in this forum... +1 love me some twapped out soup threads.
  4. i caught a dick sickness once, it wasnt herpes. it went away, if i ever catch the herp ill use it for evil. at least you dont have a fractured wrist and permanently broken hand, swollen knee and elbow and a seriously case of taco bell enduced diarrhea... and no insurance. get over it bro. oh and seriously b, hit that broad in the clavical with a tire iron. pussy.
  5. what the fuck happened to this forum? well...more like the internets in general. blehhhrrrrghhh
  6. innanet job applications, dui fines aint no fucking joke. also working on a sketch which i will be tattooing tonight.
  7. 4loko is now gon in az as far as i know. but for some reason tilt is still ok to purchase. dubteehef
  8. fuck your grandpas old withered geriatric butthole. masturbate onto everything he touches daily. suck his dick when he is asleep. take pics.
  9. awwww what the fuck, his hair isnt even fashionable. i disapprove.
  10. i think the point of this thread was a tad misunderstood. i was honestly asking for any ideas on what to do for the night. i got answers and stuff happened, whatevs. tonight: working on a sheet of flash.
  11. also, i ended up getting piss drunk, chilllin in the cuzzi and falling down into some rock. also woke up asss naked in my kitchen.
  12. you'd be surprised man, once graffiti became the cool thing to do about three years ago down here, all the fucking toys blew up all the spots. its a shame. $24= maybe about 8 cans and plus, the rails havent been this dry in a loooooong time.
  13. eaten too much bbq lately its 1030 pm and nothing skateable, not to mention meth heads. nearest pool hall is ten miles away, again no car. this whole state is a desert, fuck that. i walk/skate to work everyday im actually finishing up a pretty good read. i could go swimming/ in the cuzzi, but...healing tattoos dont respond well. if i had fireworks i wouldnt be on here, lol push ups arent my thing, im already pretty barrel chested. being home is the last thing on my mind.
  14. you never follow up with your promises, like when you and 88 was supposed to bbq wit a nigga. i sad clown.
  15. im not really super hyped on 4lokos no more, i just like getting trashed asap.
  16. yeah so basically im fucking tired of not going out on the weekends. usually im up all night drawing or painting watercolors, etc. my drug and alcohol problems have chased away alot of people who once affiliated with me. i have no car. i have $24 in my pocket. graffiti is out of the question. i dont want to have another night of me drinking til i black out. any suggestions? NB4killyourself.
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