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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. I can’t seem to find a reliable source for this, unfortunately. Every supp I’ve came across say that the product is diluted in the reviews. Gonna head to an actual vitamin store and see if I have better luck. I read up more on ecdysterone because of this. Says it’s the main compound in spinach. Probably where Popeye getting muscles from spinach came from back in the day. So I picked up some spinach extract to take in the beginning and end of the day. Hoping to see some results from it. If not, probably doesn’t hurt to have spinach in the system.
  2. Did you stretch before? Stretching out your tendons before putting stress on them is important. Otherwise they can get inflamed (tendonitis). I’d just ice it for now. Maybe pick up some fish oil if you want to make the workout a regular thing: Curcumin too. : but yeah, I’m assuming it’s because of joint stiffness rather than poor equipment. Stretching and proper supplementing will probably help.
  3. I saw this really weird Elijah Wood movie where he’s a midget who’s obsessed over this piece of jewelry
  4. I can’t wait until I can publicly shoot a game of pool again.
  5. Damn I knew that once but haven’t been checking this thread.
  6. I want to add or maintain size while I start to shred the next couple months. Obviously want to do it naturally, but I have ran across a few extracts that have me intrigued ajuga turkestanica ecdysterone not going to consider trying either until I read extensively into them. My tum can’t handle anything that upsets it even in the most minor way. But from what I’ve read so far, they seem to be good supplements for my exact goal. Maintaining muscle while cutting fat/carbs. I’ll let y’all know if I decide to pick one of them up/if they are worth the investment.
  7. Don’t think it’s BLMs fault. But just as you compared it to the guys who say “not all cops are bad” I think the same applies here. Definitely not an issue you can group everyone in, but there’s a cultural acceptance towards hate to Asians that is becoming more apparent. Same problem with cops. Yeah not all cops are bad, but there’s a cultural acceptance of racisms in the police force that needs(ed) to be addressed.
  8. Surprisingly never have. Added it to my list tho
  9. Patrick Bateman was inspiring
  10. Dark_Knight


    @Tails0nEthat looks legit. Can you keep it once the month is up? I’m gonna download it tonight.
  11. @Kultsit is on criterion. And noes if you know anything about Japanese horror you know about that movie. I should neg you for suggesting to neg me but you are considering reading Murakami so I’m gonna let it slide.
  12. Ok nvm I have time. This one is a little obscure if your don’t dabble with foreign film, but is a notorious Japanese horror film.
  13. Like wise. Check out “Save the Green Planet!” if you have the chance. It’s a lot of fun. They’re making original content, which is refreshing. That movie also comes from a short story by Haruki Murakami called “Barn Burning” if you want to check it out. Running around, but I’ll post in the next two or so hours. Gotta think a little.
  14. Pulled a muscle doing shoulders yesterday. Neck is stiff to the point I can barely move it, and causing me to not get sleep. Sucks. That’s what I get for not stretching
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