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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^ yeah, for bland comedy Doug Fucking Stanhope "Just don't fuck the kid"
  2. I only got bout a L's worth left & all I can find round town is beasters FUCK THAT NOISE Startin' to have an anxiety attack
  3. it's obviously for the better just fucking deal & pull out next time bliss
  4. YES!!! & when dude wrestles the chair "Get em goddamn it! Goooo!!"
  5. Gummo has a fantastic soundtrack Julian Donkey-Boy is even more twisted
  6. sleep well, sweet princess <333
  7. Sox/Yankees fahkin'.. I should be @ Fenway right now
  8. I heard that Homeland Security posted a warning on YouTube a good week before there was even a reported outbreak pretty convenient considering the recent chaos in Mexico
  9. Zoes


    good to have peyote back
  10. why would anyone agree to fight mat? If he wins, grand, kicking the shit outta homeboy is great for the resume if he loses, even fuckin' worse.. double edged sword
  11. they're eating thru their depression
  12. Lebron vs. Kobe Finals woo hoo
  13. Dr. Pepper, for some reason
  14. Marlins are no joke this year 1st time they've been this good organically
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