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Everything posted by KRUM

  1. Only you and I will ever realize that. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. KRUM


    Shit you sound real hard kid. Hah I'd like see how quick your punk ass bitches up when you ain't hiding behind a monitor.
  3. And is it just me or did shamrock get the living shit beat out of him? that fool doesnt have fronts those are his actual teeth. i dont think thats a hair lip either cause it connects with his nose... mother fucker looks like jaws!
  4. I hope John Brown triumphs in the end. hahahahahahaha please god make that happen lol
  5. ~~~___}{ /\ |> |> '/___|3 1 |2 + }{ |] /\ '/___/\/\ /\ /\/!!!___~~~ Party on dude... party on. WHAT IS LOVE...
  6. I still hit it now and then but yeah she pretty much gets what she deserves.
  7. Some more... And one for good measure... giggle giggle
  8. She's 18 don't worry... hahah sorry bitch this is what you get.
  9. Probation maybe. It could get thrown out if they didn't read you your rights. Only time will tell. The system is fucked up you can't really predict these things. Plus you don't really give any details such as... exactly how you slipped up but I don't recomend you talk about it... so how do you expect anyone to guess?
  10. Just some stuff... I don't like the color tones on these much but its a new camera. I'll get it down I'm sure.
  11. This threads funny cause its like watching a bunch of retards talking about how good they are at extreme wheelchairing while there are actually crippled people and babies learning how to walk out there in the world. YALL SHOULD THINK ABOUT THE CRIPPLES AND THE BABIES FOR ONCE. *sniff sniff*
  12. KRUM


    I got this one in green.
  13. WELL... Jet Set is a classic it cant really be compared to today's standards of anything. And Marc Echos got was pretty cool cept it was really over the top with the mega oppression status. like an exaggeration of newyork and just had gay controls. In jet set you could actually tag a cop I think. marc echos was retarded cause a lot of the time you just had to kill every cop or thug or whatever in the whole area and the games plot is kinda based on the fact that you are being framed for murder... retarded. GTA SAN ANDREAS had the same weird plot idea too whats up with that? I'm ranting now... jet set is better hands down.
  14. Fuck getting a lawyer. Get a public defender and talk to him as much as possible about how to not be a retard. Try to learn how to talk to the cops without getting scared and you wont admit to anything. Half the time when a cop tries to tell you that you did something, he's trying to see if you will hesitate or stumble. Cops love it when ignorant people slip up its what they live for. If its your first offense and you didn't get caught red handed... Like they are just trying to say they found some tags or something there is a good chance they are guessing. That's just what I've found to be true at least.
  15. TV is pretty pointless... when I have it on I'm usually just looking at my computer screen anyway. The only reason I look over at it is if the simpsons or some baller movie is on.
  16. Get rid of your TV I say. TV is a bunch of bullshit anyway you can watch dvds or vhs cant you? Cell phone? I dont have a cell phone and I get by okay. Sometimes I am out and I wish I could call people to get shit rolling you know. I dunno about internet though. The internet is like a 3rd of my life so I probably wouldnt get rid of that If I was trying to save some bread heh.
  17. KRUM


    How bout a knife hmmmmm?
  19. I was going 45 in a 30 and the cop pulled me over and was like heres your ticket. Shit was 80 dollars.
  20. I know I do. What a ruggid STUD
  21. oops that was hella long ago lol
  22. Sparks is REALLY shitty. Its's a fucked up hybrid downer and upper invention. Ugh...... THESE ARE GOOD THOUGH.
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread You just released some acid from your spine. No biggy.
  24. cola i dont like how all your letters suck.
  25. No man could fuck up my order that hard and not get a stern talking to waving finger.
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