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Everything posted by josefstrat@yahoo.com

  1. 74 bottles of beer on the wall 74 bottles of beer take one down, pass it around...
  2. Saosin aint all that bad. Granted I don't ever listen to that genre of music, but i saw them live and liked most of their songs. Apparently alot of the songs were older because the friend I was with didn't know any of the songs and he has their self-titled album.
  3. ۞۞۞, Ya you are at least missing the Authoritative Calvin And Hobbes collection. And that pic above is pretty rad. Good find + props.
  4. When I was little I remember taking my dog to the vet to get put down. she had the mange(sp?) i believe... For some reason I have always remembered the retardedly happy look on her face, because she thought we were going for a walk. I hate doing that type of stuff.
  5. That's what I was thinking. I think the people who wrote the story just took a guess at how it happened, because I'm pretty sure no one actually saw this? Not knowing how he pulled it off is really starting to grind my gears.
  6. ok now i know what you meant. But sometimes I like to run with my dog, around the lake or something of that nature. And yes he rides shotgun on the way there and back.
  7. Is there something wrong with your dog riding shotgun? /genuine question
  8. Oh my God. You gave him a messenger bag. Gold. /yes props.
  9. Some one with skills at photoshop/MSpaint could make a decent pic of that bear doing a hangover of something of that sort. What anybody would gain from this though I have no idea.
  10. "wow that picture doesn't make sense. snoop dogg's moustache kid with a 1991 flattop fade black people at a hockey game" -Theo Huxtable hahaha. and is that kid smoking a cigarette?
  11. Bear on road. Bear scared by cars. Bear jumps over railing. Some how gets under bridge.
  12. He was on the road. Two oncoming cars spooked him. He jumped the railing. I don't know how he got under the bridge from the tiny ledge though.
  13. Why does this matter at all? And it depends on the person. The fact that he is a writer has nothing to do with if he will still from an little independent store or not.
  14. I'm glad Somejuan appreciates some of the stupid crap I post.... Moebumps you hurt my feelings.
  15. That doesn't mean he wasn't doing it when he broke his arm. And I think i read in the Hardcore thread that Gliko likes to Hardcore dance at shows.... imagine accidentally being hit by gliks... While he was doing the windmill.
  16. He was obviously Hardcore dancing, not moshing. noob.
  17. I've never met a marathon runner who wears doorags. You sir, are special.
  18. Whatever shoes you get, don't get nike shox. There heavy. Or they cost way too much just to put them through hell with endurance running. For some reason, I can't find much on the Nike air coos i got over the summer. I got them for about $75 right before cross country season started, they felt like a dream and lasted the whole season. speed workouts, endurance workouts, trails, roads, everything. They were beasts. And pretty light too. Highly recommended.
  19. 3 43 that is crazy. i really wonder how fast steve prefontaine wouldve ran the mile if he wouldve reached his prime. rip pre... i think my timed pr for last year (sophomore year...and im a year young if this will help my defense) was a 5:33... i remember it hurting pretty bad. trust me fist, once you break 6 you will feel like a champ even with the knowledge that the world record is 3:43.
  20. wow. you were pretty good dude. my mile pr aint too good nor is my 800, but theyll be up there this year. i think my coaches mile was a 4:04? somewhere around there. running that fast has got to be one of the best feelings of accomplishment imaginable, in my opinion.
  21. State winner in High School cross country 5k (3.1 miles) in oklahoma (4a schools): 16:15 - adam young. dude is fast. just thought i'd share that random fact. anyways, some good ways to stay in your running routine, is to find someone to run with. i've got it a little easier, since im in high school cross country, but still, you should try to find a running partner. and fat ralphy, that chart is weird, im about 5'7", and i almost weigh 130. i know im not malnourished or anything of that sort, and i couldn't gain weight if i wanted to. i must have aids. anywho, ive been wearing the nike air coos, on the pre lives line of nike i believe, and recently ive been wearing the nike 30-40s (seems more like track shoes to me, but they feel pretty good for when i run on trails or roads). but ive also heard alot of good things about asics, but i dont have any experience with them. anyways, good luck.
  22. Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?! These are not christians. There using God and Jesus as an excuse to be bigots. despite popular belief, there are GENUINE christians that arent bigots/fascists/complete morons. Just as there are muslims who dont blow up non-muslims. I'm a christian, but these guys would get punched in the face the second i saw them, i dont care if i hated the guy who's funeral it was. Call me a hypocrite, i could care less.
  23. seriously, those christians dao and moe are talkin about are the minority. i dont drink, but all of my relatives do pretty much, so im used to growin up around and hangin out with drunks, so i could care less if your drinkin publicly or not just dont hamper any of my freedoms and im cool with it.
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