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La Niser

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Everything posted by La Niser

  1. Dice CLown allover print. (other colors too!) norway cap^
  2. La Niser


    those chocolate maxes are crucial
  3. La Niser


    those dunks are nice.
  4. La Niser


    ^co-signed. most nikes with etchings are hot. like them mike vicks that came out, they were aight.
  5. La Niser


    jordan's are the illest. these are $900:
  6. Falcons beat Carolina! Plus Reggie Bush proved himself.
  7. batman would win cuz he's technically a ninja.
  8. Older southern people are used to cooking for big ass families. I love my great-aunts for that fact. I eat at least 3 small african villiage's worth of food on holidays. Apple pie is straight, it's all about pumpkin and sweet potatoe down here!!!
  9. La Niser


    those boxing forces are so-so. they look like they should have a louis voutonn or gucci symbol on them w/ that colorway.
  10. La Niser


    i thought those baseball dunks came out in like february....or maybe that was the Forces... those sunrise vans are ill. i saw a picture of kanye with em on, i thought they was sum evisu's. they wasn't.
  11. i wait like two weeks after i buy shoes to relace em. i figure, "if they come pre-tied, why take away from the time for rocking those shoes. i need every 2-4 minutes i can get."
  12. The Varsity Chic-fil-a Jake's Icecreamery
  13. hell yeah. blunts in the morning. dodger blue is on deck!
  14. fucking dike bitch in the first video. atlanta has too many of em. this is not crunk, or hyphy, it's snapping taken to another level. a mediocre one, but a new level nonetheless(sp?).
  15. La Niser


    tuxedo leather?! fresh!
  16. i rafted once when i was like 13, it was tiring as hell. my bitch ass spanish teacher flipped my thing tho. we flipped his raft too though.
  17. La Niser


    ^co-signed most those kids look emo anyway
  18. pharrell is fresh. luda shoulda kept that afro. I guess there'll never be another video like Stand up. fuck fades!
  19. old navy has em for the low, ecko,LRG, AKDemiks. evisus are hot, but there a million dollars a leg.
  20. are all those yours? if so i like how you try new styles and stuff.
  21. all up on my head area.
  22. La Niser


    those new maxe's with the air all on the bottom are sick.
  23. buy them. the etchings/shapes make em hot.
  24. land of the lost was awesome. x-men animated series rocked hard too. also C-bear and Jamal. my little brother is now watching Spider Riders. what the fuck? i hate kids WB.
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