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Everything posted by TheCosbyFamily

  1. Hope4 Silk Tre Buick And just get closer to the freights to get better pictures, the last ones you have are fine.
  2. Yeah, from what I've heard the Japanese original version of both movies is much better.
  3. Seeing people make stupid ass comments and trying to act so hxc, and pretend like they really know someone over the internet never gets old! :rolleyes:
  4. TheCosbyFamily


    Close, Mr.Anarchy.
  5. Crow Else Navy8 Biter River Space And sooooo many other nice catches! Great posts!
  6. I really dont like any of them. I'm just really picky when it comes to shoes.
  7. I can already tell them niggas is crazy. I mean, who wants to mess with a band named Love Fire? I sure dont.
  8. Chicken flavored Ramen noodles makes everything better. Its teh pwnage.
  9. Fuck, you kids are retarded. Learn to look out for a word before you morons decide to write it, I wasn't even that stupid as a toy not to look up another word incase its already being used. This ecspecially applies to "just bomb it", THERES ALREADY A GUTS WHO HAPPENS TO BE MUCH BETTER THAN YOU.
  10. Oh gee I wonder if that other thread thats been around much longer and has canvas in the title could be a canvas thread. Nah. I'll just make my own.
  11. This coming from a person that goes by "Razzle2006" Fucking 14-year-old fag.
  12. You've got to be fucking kidding me.... Do you know how much money it was to build, had to be a shitload.
  13. I have Spraycan Art, so I could get it for you soon as I get my camera working.
  14. Nah, doesn't sound like an assholish thing to do. But, I agree with Gwar, parties where everyone got "cocked"?
  15. Do you people assume that we're going to tell them where every shop is? Oh, good job at looking at the OFFICAL SHOP THREAD THAT HAPPENS TO BE IN THE THIRD RAIL.
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