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Everything posted by AnUpsetStomach

  1. I couldnt handle going home just for a bit then going back to work, when i come home its to finally relax. Also eating fast food on a daily basis would take some serious tolls on your body. yuck.
  2. why dont you glue or tape the calculator to the bottom of the container? Then it wont float.
  3. With regards to graffiti it really depends what your "kicks" are. If you're into adrenaline, high risk spots etc then the likely hood of getting caught is high and thus you should quit because eventually you will more than likely get caught and it will hinder other areas of your life. But if you get kicks from the artisitic merit of it, you can just hit more relaxed spots and still have it as a vice.
  4. Theres not enough contrast in the fill and outline (i.e- poor colour choice) Messy as fuck. scratch fills usually only work throwup letters, not straights.
  5. Re: *Correction: Paris Hilton back in jail again, this time filling her with sperm. : sprogg, jizz, baby batter, love custurd, people paste.....etc etc.
  6. Use2, props for saving this thread. Inflow images is a fucking goldmine.
  7. Props for painting O.G ninja turtle characters. None of this new school mumbo jumbo
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco SFGRAFF, I really enjoy your pictures -Decade old amazes. -Decade old Grey -TWIST -ABNO -DRACULA!
  9. Re: *Correction: Paris Hilton back in jail again, this time serving her full term. :l ^ No she didnt. I think being a trashy drug whore is part of her marketablility. Look at how bad of a job she's done on dying her hair blonde in that pic with nicole richie, I mean common do you really think a twenty something millionaire cant afford a professional hair colour?
  10. Reminds me of downtown melbourne for some reason.
  11. Although hungry jacks is delicious as hell, the menu is not nearly as advanced as its american equivillent "burger king". Shit I just realised I know where that is, its in melbourne right?
  12. My neighbour is about 55-60 and he has a 1 year old with his 40 year old girlfriend, sometimes she stays at his house. Othertimes he goes to hers. He seems to be unemployed and spends his days watching his kid or maintaining his front lawn. This bothers me because i always come home to the smell of fresh fertilizer. Sometimes when i see him on my way out he's really nice and says hi, how are you. Other times he seems to be all pissed off and barely gives me a hello, this really confuses me so i just wave and walk passed as fast as i can.
  13. I swear i heard that they found water on Mars about 3 years ago, I didnt read it anywhere it was just mentioned in conversation.
  14. The fact that you have to PAY MONEY and that the religion was created by just a Mr.Hubbard (A RANDOM GUY not a manifistation of god) should give you all the information you need to know on this religion....errrr.....i mean cult.
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Does he actually study? Or is it just really really hard? What could they possibly ask you about real estate thats that difficult?
  16. This thread made me really uncomfortable to the point where i got butterflies in my stomach. Really hope she's ok. The internet and real life have submerged too close for my liking.
  17. I dont think so, he was just overly passionate about certain aspects of his job. And Having no family gave him plenty of free time to "get to the bottom of things"
  18. Your going to trust a bunch of criminals you know nothing about in another state/country to deliver shit?
  19. I've heard from ex-users that the first time people try heroin its an awful experience and their bodies really cant handle it. So why would you go back for more?
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