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Everything posted by TheGreatGatsby

  1. Which is why he'll never be caught.
  2. Have you ever met a white person from Boston? Everyone claims to have an uncle that worked for him, knew him, or has an aunt that blew him. He's spotted every couple of months and he makes the nightly news here, but thats been going on for as long as I can remember. Nicholson's character in The Departed doesn't have a a brother in public office and he doesn't play the FBI for fools. The only thing Whitey and Nicholson have in common is that they are old white guys involved in organized crime. So "Based on," is used rather liberally.
  3. My main man Virgil as a young lad.
  4. A lot of it is made in China with absolutely no regulation. So ya you're getting some of the active ingredients in pot, but maybe some lead, cadmium, antimony, et cetera added in. I'm looking for a job so I'm not smoking or ingesting anything, but I wouldn't mess with that stuff even if I wasn't.
  5. Up to 2 1/2 miles 5 days a week at 8 minute/mile pace, ya i know :eek: . Doing pull ups,chin ups, push ups, and abs.
  6. Milan's got a badass cathedral. The Brera museum has some incredible paintings. It's a lot more modern feeling than any of Italy's other cities, which is kind of why I didn't like it. Anyway, I didn't see the last supper while I was there and I don't regret it. Are you going anywhere else while you're in Italy?
  7. Bring a sketch book with you. This will lead to obnoxious people peering over your shoulder taking pictures etc, but they tend not to get infront of you. Thats better than stupid fucking people justling to stand in front of you and get in your way. Wonk saggin
  8. Your racist speak offends Bling Bling Berry's feelings.
  9. :lol: GOLD Thanks for the heads up all.
  10. :lol: I just finished painting my mom's kitchen,bathroom, dining room, and living room. All I heard from her was "I don't think I like that color," or "When will you be done" and "Looks good I'm going to the bar," from my brother. Anyway,Let me clarify, I don't live in NY and I've only been there four times. In those four times, I have never been outside of Manhattan. I've heard it's full of hipsters now, but why you gotta accuse me of ridin a fixie and fingerbangin dudes? All I want to know is what the fuck to do when I'm there. There's enough of that shit around here.
  11. I'm going to Brooklyn for the weekend to visit a friend. I've never been outside of Manhattan, so I'd like to know where to go what to see etc etc. Any good galleries or shows at museums? Wheres the best food or bars? Thank you Please.
  12. Oprah is a shitty narrator. You can tell where her lines stop and start too easily if that makes any sense, but baby deer who out ran the fox was a bad ass.
  13. What the fuck is neptunes? try Doyles if you want a good burger. Not a hoppin bar, but a decent pub and the braddock burger is arguably the best in town.
  14. expensive tastes and high tolerance is fucking curse
  15. I find that white people brag abut how much they drink the most, often citing ridiculously inflated numbers. However I just the liquor store behind a black lady who bought a 60$ bottle of hennesee and a 2 liter of coke talking about how she cant drink it straight. I dont get people that buy good expensive booze and cover it up with garbage. I also think that anyone who likes corona is white trash. /white person
  16. I was really into strength and conditioning back in high school and my first year of college. It's been at least 4 years since i've done anything like a decent workout. Anyway I'm trying to get back on the horse and lose some weight. I've done the whole "I'm getting back in shape" about 10 times since I stopped working out. It's miserable starting all over and I usually don't last longer than a month. So I'm giving it another go and I need a decent starting workout. I'm not bothering going to a gym until I can get a decent start with cardio and body weight exercises puch ups etc. Any suggestions on what to start with?
  17. I'm way out of touch with MMA, what happened when Kimbo was supposed to go to UFC? Thank you please.
  18. i wasted 30$ and an hour of my time trying to make pad thai tonight. It looked and tasted like cat food. Leaving that one up to the pros.
  19. After wasting 4 years in college taking only art, art history, english, history, and social science classes, I'm now confronted with taking 7 classes that are all hard math and science in order to get into masters program i want. Fuck my life. I cant read 3 sentences in my stats book without zoning out. Ill read five pages and realize that literally nothing soaked in.
  20. Since you are all are taking such liberties with your meal, I'd end it with a glass of Jameson on the rocks with a splash of water. Goin out comfortably numbbbbbbbbb.
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