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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. cool thread. detroit is definitely one of the best places to visit in the states..
  2. Crow again and again Beer Bujah21 nice flicks
  3. Cloze Rizer FloRock Mpower Coma very dope updates
  4. some pretty cool flicks in there.
  5. damn. some of these are sitting way low, no ridges.. all that. some dope ass types of cars.
  6. benched in north florida
  7. super old Demo & Eros flexing on the csx gondola also the fading but ever present Skue
  8. that one is stolen. i got some hardcopies and digitals also but im away from all that..
  9. that weird NO WAY. pretty cool. nice flicks
  10. get some proper nice gift for her without letting on, something you can roll with where ever. let her get her bitch act on like usual, get real quiet and act hurt without saying anything, then tell her you got her something that day and give it to her. right after you give her whatever you got for her, step out the door without saying shit or giving her a chance to apologize. turn off your phone for at least one hour then show back up unannounced. during the time you are gone she will realize how wrong she was for doing what she did while also having time to realize how much of a mack you are.
  11. ^^^ this is indeed the truth. considering where that is.. it will probably ride forever, considering its already been more than 10 years..
  12. what he said^^^ indianapolis is pretty much the only legit spot in the state. although, having lived there for a very long time.. id advise not moving to the midwest at all.
  13. having a studio definitely helped. having that spot away from home with no distractions and very good lighting pushes things along quite a bit.
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