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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. quality for sure. thanks for a worthwhile post. too much junk going lately.
  2. Dark that Arsn is fresh for days..
  3. there arent any burners on this page so far. get your head checked. the kid spre.. comin with the heat. and unik.com a few pages back, super clean son!
  4. going to co-sign the jameson. possibly its been said but.. graffiti helps too. rack paint, and alcohol, buy drugs. use all three at once. rinse, repeat.
  5. i hate to detract from your ad but dowmagic is very right. gemini tables suck big time.
  6. these cats are sick as fuck. like rediculously fresh.
  7. NUA: shore bizar arest Heist
  8. the Sento outline holds its own, finished or not. Stalk on the DT&I. nice fucking boxcar, sucks to not finish.
  9. MBER for days and days. remember living in southern indiana and seeing two or three of his every single day rolling through.
  10. working at a frame shop is really kinda interesting considering what you frame. these pigs came in once and left a really dope bullet broof vest with us to be framed. i seriously never tried so hard not to steal something in my whole life.
  11. Some very valid points being made here by Mercer and B40-8. I agree that the "issue" of immigration is in essence a diversionary tactic. It's misdirection, backed by the federal government to keep average citizens from realizing where the real trouble lies. Take garbage collectors for example. A garbage collector might make 43,000 a year. An NBA star like Kobe Bryant makes 23 million a year. Suppose every NBA star took the year off, what effect would that have on the health and safety of the average american? Now suppose every garbage collector took the year off, what effect would that have on the health and safety of the average american? The spread of disease it would cause? Impassible streets from garbage? Unclean water supply from the run-off? How can the value of certain work be allowed to inflate so recklessly? My perception is that there are many issues citizens of the U.S. face which are much more relevant than "did bob the gardener get his green card or not?"
  12. nice post for sure. Eats Mind2 Globe Phone and Kriz with the heater
  13. cool thread. detroit is definitely one of the best places to visit in the states..
  14. Crow again and again Beer Bujah21 nice flicks
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