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Everything posted by nerkherder1

  1. i just went down to the local dirt spot..suprised/delighted to see its still there, seeing as the town has had a history of rolling in with the bulldozers and knocking shit down.
  2. damn yo, watson stays on point with desktops
  3. nerkherder1


    limbo is fun, red dead is good..kinda slow but a well made game for sure.
  4. nerkherder1


    black ops mp:
  5. this is a banger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJvjKpzROdc
  6. here ya go drue, might not be your cup of tea but now you know:
  7. didnt he work with dre on some projects? propped
  8. -work -martian weather patterns
  9. they have been playin alot of curren$y on mtv jams as of late..im startin to get get into it. laid back flows are good every now and then.
  10. i wish i could put those peddals on mang.
  11. my 1999 GT Bump: I just cant bring myself to take off the decals.
  12. alot of good suggestions in here. Bulliet is a great one to revisit your whiskey/bourbon oddesy with.
  13. anybody ever boiled Dr. Pepper? like they did in that movie "Blast From the Past" or whatever,,always wondered aboot that.
  14. I'm Kobra Kai and i'm keepin that dojo name going.
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